Spring Clean Up Seminar is this upcoming Monday, April 15th at 6:30PM!! (No 6:30 or 7:30PM WODS) Would you like to understand more about nutrition, how food can be used to help you live a stronger, happier, and healthier life? If you’d like to focus more on you nutrition, now is the time. If you’re...Read More
=============================== E4MOM 20Deadlift:Set 1: 10@60-65% Set 2: 10@65-70%Set 3: 10@70-75% Set 4: 10@70-75% Set 5: 10@75-80% Immediately after each set, row 1 minute, easy pace, damper at 3 or less. For time:400 meter run with Dumbbell (50/35) (Fx:35/20)40 Alternating Dumbbell Snatches (50/35) (Fx:35/20)40 Wall Ball Shots Post WOD Finisher:2-3 sets of:DB Curl 21’s7 Halfway to...Read More
=============================== 3 Rounds10 Strict T2B5-10 Strict Pull Ups (C2B if possible)10-15 Ring Push Ups200m Run (Easy, recovery pace) 4 RoundsAMRAP 35 Hand Release Burpees over Bar4 Power Clean and Jerks (135/95) (Fx: 95/65) (Rx+: 155/105) 3 Ring Muscle Ups, Fx: 6 Chest to bar pull ups2 Power Snatches (135/95) (Fx: 95/65) (Rx+: 155/105) 1 Rope...Read More
I started my first Foundations class at CrossFit Route 7 on April 9, 2018, and can’t believe how different my life is now. I’ve generally been pretty active throughout my life but struggled with consistency, especially if it’s something I was doing alone. When I started CrossFit, my goal was to find something that I...Read More
=============================== Overview Of The Week:Monday: Power Snatches Tuesday: Back Squats Wednesday: Strict GymnasticsThursday: Deadlifts Friday: Bench Press Saturday: Hang Squat CleanSunday: Strict Press =============================== E2MOM 16 5 Power Snatches @ 70-75% Does not need to be touch and go. AMRAP 20:400 meter Run10 Chest 2 Bar Pull ups (Fx: 10 Pull ups)40 Double Unders20 Dumbbell...Read More
We will be keeping the 9AM WOD on Sundays. We hope you enjoy the earlier option and maximize the Day! =============================== E2MOM 16 5 Power Cleans Set 1: 60%Set 2: 60%Set 3: 65%Set 4: 65%Set 5: 70%Set 6: 70%Set 7: 75%Set 8: 75% Touch and go if possible. 3 Giant Sets5 Close Grip Bench Press...Read More
We will be keeping the 9AM WOD on Sundays. We hope you enjoy the earlier option and maximize the Day! Come on out and show your skills at Top Golf Loudoun’s driving range today Saturday, April 6th at 3pm! Sprawling entertainment venue with a high-tech driving range & swanky lounge with drinks & games. So...Read More
Come on out and show your skills at Top Golf Loudoun’s driving range tomorrow, Saturday, April 6th at 3pm! Sprawling entertainment venue with a high-tech driving range & swanky lounge with drinks & games. So Bring a Friend!!! Address: 20356 Commonwealth Center Dr, Ashburn, VA 20147 =============================== 3 Rounds10 Hollow Rocks10 V-Ups or GHD sit-ups5-10 Strict...Read More
=============================== E3MOM 18 5 High Hang Squat Snatch Set 1: 55%Set 2: 60%Set 3: 60%Set 4: 65%Set 5: 65%Set 6: 70% Percentage based on 1RM Snatch 4 Rounds:25 Wall Ball Shots (20/14)50 Double Unders *3 burpees each time you break up the WBS Post WOD Finisher:3 Sets of 10 V ups15 Hollow RocksRead More
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