Thoracic Spine Mobility Class at 5:45 PM today! Reserve your spot on ZenPlanner! Strength Every 1:30, 3 Rounds1) 1:00 Freestanding Handstand Practice with Wall(FX: 3 Wall Walks or 3 Handstand Walk Around Box)(RX+: 1:00 Handstand Walk Practice with Feet Together)(SC: 100′ Dumbbell Overhead Carry (2 DBs)) 2) 10 PVC Sots Press (RX+: Barbell) 3) 10...Read More
Happy Independence Day! We only have an 8 AM and 9 AM class today – reserve your spot on ZenPlanner ASAP! Weekly OverviewEvents/ClassesMonday4th of July WODTuesdayHandstand Skill WorkThoracic (upper) Spine Mobility Class at 5:45 PMWednesdayCleanThursdayBent-Over RowFridayFront SquatSaturdaySquad WODSundayShoulder/Knee Strengthening 4th of July WOD 7 Rounds for Time w/ Partner (Split reps any way)4 Rope Climbs...Read More
Teams of 3! In 30:00120/80 Calorie Row (FX: 90/60) (RX+: 150/100) (1 person working) then… AMRAP 60 Synchro Wallballs (2 people working) (20/14) (RX+: 11’/10′) 45 Synchro Sit-ups (2 people working) (RX+: Weighted 15/10) 30 Synchro Power Snatch (2 people working)(75/55)(FX: 55/35)(RX+: 95/65) *Score is total rounds and reps for AMRAP *Round calories for mix teams (2 girls, 1 guy =...Read More
Weekly OverviewEvents/ClassesMondayGirls Night OutTuesdayBench PressHip Mobility Class at 5:45 PMWednesdayBack SquatAb Attack at 5:45 PMThursdayJerkFridayDeadliftSaturdaySquad WODSundayFunctional Bodybuilding – Lower Body Girls Night Out w/ Partner, Split Reps any way For Time:“Isabel”30 Snatches (135/95) (FX: 115/80) (RX+: 155/105)into… “Karen”150 Wallballs (20/14) (FX: 120)into… “Grace”30 Clean and Jerks (135/95) (FX: 115/80) (RX+: 155/105) *14:00 Cap Post-WOD Strength/Skill...Read More
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