Strength Every 3:00, 4 Sets8 Back Squats + 6/6 Single Leg Toe Touch(FX: 6/6 Single Leg Toe Touch with Anchored Leg)(RX+: 2/2 3-Point Single Leg Toe Touch (6 total reps each leg) 1-3) 60-65%4) 65-70% Conditioning EMOM 181) :30 AMRAP Calorie Bike (SPRINT)2) Rest3) :30 AMRAP Calorie Row (SPRINT)4) Rest5) :30 AMRAP Calorie Ski (SPRINT)6)...Read More
A strong core means strong lifts! Join Coach Mariah for Ab Attack tonight at 5:45 PM! Strength Every 3:00, 5 Sets3-5 Sandbag Over the Shoulder(FX: 5 Slam Ball Over the Shoulder + 3-5 Sandbag Deadlifts) + 2 (33X) Tempo Bench Press + 4 Bench Press (↑) (start at around 60-65%) Conditioning AMRAP 750 Double Unders...Read More
Join Coach Scinju tonight for Mobility Class! Tonight we will work on Ankles/Wrist Mobility Class at 5:45 PM! “Jackie”For Time:1000m Row50 Thrusters (45/35)30 Pull-Ups*Compare to 2/3/21 Post-WOD Strength/Skill Every 1:30, 3 Rounds1) :20-30 Seated L-Sit Leg Lift Hold(FX: Seated Knee Tuck Hold) (RX+: L-Sit on Parallettes) + 15 Hollow Rocks (FX: 20 Flutter Kicks) (RX+:...Read More
Join Coach Elizabeth tonight for a Rowing Skills Clinic at 5:45 PM! There are limited spots, so sign up on Zen Planner now! Weekly OverviewEvents/ClassesMondayDeadlift/DipKipping/Butterfly Pullup Skills Clinic at 5:45 PMTuesdayJackieAnkles/Wrist Mobility Class at 5:45 PMWednesdaySandbag Over Shoulder/Bench PressAb Attack at 5:45 PMThursdayBack SquatFridayShoulder/Lower Body PrehabSaturdaySquad WODSundaySnatch Strength Every 3:00, 4 Sets8 Deadlifts + 8...Read More
My fitness journey started ten years ago. I started running weekly 5k races. At the time I was 30-40 pounds heavier than I am now. After training and participating in races I noticed the weight to slowly come off. Slowly 5k races became 10k races, 10 milers and half marathons. I always wanted to incorporate...Read More
Strength Every 2:00, 3 Rounds1) 10 Underhand Bent Over Row (↑) + 20 Underhand Banded Pullaparts2) :20-:30/:20-:30 Side Plank3) 10 Prone Swimmers + :15 Arch Hold Conditioning 3 Rounds for Time:8 Toes to Bar (FX: 6) (RX+: 10)16 Single Dumbbell Push Press (50/35) (FX: 35/20) (RX+: 70/50)8 Chest to Bar Pull-Ups (FX: Pull-Ups) (RX+: 10)16...Read More
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