YOU’RE INVITED to the Grand Opening of our 7Fit Program tonight at 6:30pm. Please join us for a FREE one-hour workout where you will experience the FUN in FUNctional fitness! This class will be unlike any exercise class you have taken before, featuring our exclusive combination of intense cardio and fat-blasting light weight exercises. Our...Read More
YOU’RE INVITED to the Grand Opening of our 7Fit Program on July 23, 2018 at 6:30pm. Please join us for a FREE one-hour workout where you will experience the FUN in FUNctional fitness! This class will be unlike any exercise class you have taken before, featuring our exclusive combination of intense cardio and fat-blasting light...Read More
Join us today for a Free Class today at 11am! ====== YOU’RE INVITED to the Grand Opening of our 7Fit Program on July 23, 2018 at 6:30pm. Please join us for a FREE one-hour workout where you will experience the FUN in FUNctional fitness! This class will be unlike any exercise class you have taken...Read More
YOU’RE INVITED to the Grand Opening of our 7Fit Program on July 23, 2018 at 6:30pm. Please join us for a FREE one-hour workout where you will experience the FUN in FUNctional fitness! This class will be unlike any exercise class you have taken before, featuring our exclusive combination of intense cardio and fat-blasting light...Read More
Split Jerk Technique 2-2-2-2-2 Rest 1-2 minutes between sets This is for Technique / Position. Work on speed and do not exceed 60% of 1 RM Split-Jerk. Strict Press 3 Sets of 10 reps Rest as needed Build over the course of 3 sets to a 10 RM (start at 70%) AMRAP 12: 8 Single...Read More
FREE CLASS tonight at 6:30 pm. Come see how our gym get results! Then save $25 on our Foundations course, 6 Classes for $99! Limited spaces, sign up now: =============================== Every 2:00 for 18:00 (9 sets): Hang Clean + Clean + 2 Front Squats Build over the course of 9 sets (3 sets at each...Read More
Summer Sizzle Blog #3 is here! This week we look into the role that insulin plays in the body (and touch on a couple other important hormones as well), continue the “Nutrition Troubleshooting” series from last week, and round out the highlight on macronutrients with the final one: fat. =========================== Strength/Skill Schedule: Monday: Snatch EMOM Tuesday:...Read More
For time* 10 Rope Climbs 15’, Fx: 6 Rope Climbs 100 Double-Unders 50 Box Jump Overs 24/20 100 Double-Unders 10 Rope Climbs 15’, Fx: 6 Rope Climbs *20 minute cap Each set for time, rest 1 minute between sets: Bar Muscle-ups at 12-9-6, Fx: C2B Pull-ups at 15-12-9 Read More
Complete the form below and then you will automatically be routed to our page with rates and the option to register for our Beginners Foundations course.