Virtual Classes! CrossFit – 12:00PM JOIN HERE Strength:EMOM 18 1: 10 Dumbbell/Kettlebell/Barbell RDLs/Good Mornings 2: :45 Tempo Biceps Curls (30×1) 3: :45 Tempo Triceps Extensions (30×1)4: Rest Conditioning:5 Rounds20 Hollow Rocks15 OH Squats 100m Odd Object Carry Odd Object can be anything heavy; bear hug it and go for a walk. If no 100m Route,...Read More
Virtual Workouts!!! CrossFit – 12:00PM JOIN HERE 30 Minute Mobility – 5:00PM JOIN HERE Core Blast – 6:00PM JOIN HERE Strength:5 Rounds 8 Reps Each way I-T-Ys Max Handstand Hold Rest 2:00 between rounds. Conditioning:5 Rounds 20 Alternating Dumbbell Snatches20 Box Jumps or Tuck Jumps If you do not have a dumbbell, you can use...Read More
Virtual Classes! Yoga– 5:30PM JOIN HERE Strength:5 Rounds:30 AMRAP Biceps Curls:15 Hold at 90° :45 Rest:30 AMRAP Triceps Extensions:15 Hold at 90°:45 Rest Conditioning:EMOM 121: AMRAP Jumping Air Squats2: Jumping Jacks at Recovery PaceRead More
Virtual Classes! CrossFit – 10:00AM JOIN HERE Strength:4 Rounds1:00 High Plank (Weighted if Possible):30 Rest:30 AMRAP Mountain Climbers1:00 RestConditioning:AMRAP 134 – 8 – 12 – 16 – 20 – 24…Alternating Dumbbell or Kettlebell Hang Clean and JerksRun 100m Between RoundsIf you do not have a dumbbell/kettlebell, use any weighted object and perform hang snatches. If you do...Read More
Virtual Classes! CrossFit – 12:00PM JOIN HERE Mobility Seminar with Coach Alex– 6:30PM JOIN HERE Bring your brooms, it’s time to Overhead squat. Alex will be walking you through diagnostic tools and corrective exercises to nail down that could be limiting your overhead squats. We will go through ankle, hip, shoulder and wrist mobility during...Read More
Virtual Classes! CrossFit – 12:00PM JOIN HEREYoga– 5:30PM JOIN HERE Strength:Every 2:30 for 5 Rounds12 Tempo Goblet Squats (30×1) If you have a barbell, do these as front squats. Conditioning:“Annie”50 – 40 – 30 – 20 – 10Double UndersSit UpsRead More
Virtual Workouts!!! CrossFit – 12:00PM JOIN HERECore Blast – 6:00PM JOIN HERE Strength:4 Rounds:30 Hollow Hold10 V- Ups1:00 RestConditioning:For Max Distance6 RoundsRun 4:00/Walk 1:00If your run route is not a loop, after the third round, turn around and head back towards where you started.Read More
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