Looking forward to seeing everyone tomorrow at Settle Down Brewing Co., in Falls Church, from 1-4pm for our 2022 Open Pre-Game Party! Strength 3 Rounds5 Behind the Neck Snatch Grip Sotts Presses + 5 Behind the Neck Snatch Grip Push Jerks (↑)10 Each Arm Single Arm Dumbbell Bench Press (↑) Conditioning EMOM 161: 275/225m Ski...Read More
Strength E2MOM 101 Push Press + 4 Push Jerks @75-80% (% Based on 1RM Push Press) Conditioning 4 Rounds500/450m Row (Fx: 450/400)20 Dumbbell Hang Clean and Jerks (50/35) (Fx: 35/20)10 Chest to Bar Pull Ups (Fx: Pull Ups)5 Bar Muscle Ups (Fx: Chest to Bar Pull Ups)Read More
Double-under and Toes-To-Bar Skills Clinic TONIGHT at 5:45 PM! Sign up for the Skills Clinic today! Weekly OverviewEvents/ClassesMondayValentine’s Day WODDouble Unders/Toes-to-Bar Skills Clinic at 5:45 PMTuesdayCore/Handstand WalkWednesdayPower CleanAb Attack at 6:45 PMThursdayPush Press/Push JerkFridaySotts Press/DB BenchSaturdayFront SquatsOpen Pre-Game at Settle Down Easy Brewing Co. at 1 PMSundayLong Conditioning “Valentines Day” With a Partner, One person...Read More
SAVE THE DATE! Come join us next Saturday, February 19th from 1-4 PM at Settle Down Brewery Co. in Falls Church, to celebrate the beginning of the CrossFit Open! Strength E2MOM 123 Snatch Pulls to Hold in Extension + 1 High Hang Power Snatch (↑) Conditioning For Time:20/15 Calorie Bike (Fx: 15/10)800m Run300/250m Ski (Fx:...Read More
Strength E3MOM 18High Hang Power Clean + Push Press + Hang Power Clean + Push Jerk + Power Clean + Split Jerk (↑) Conditioning AMRAP 88 Push Press (135/95) (Fx: 95/65) (Rx+: 155/105)16 Burpees Over the BarRead More
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