In honor of Navy Petty Officer 1st Class Jeff Taylor, 30, of Little Creek, VA who was killed in Afghanistan last week. “My husband was a warrior and a man who believed his purpose in life was to defend the freedoms that each of us enjoy today.” Erin Taylor “JT” 21-15-9: Handstand pushups Ring Dips...Read More
Free CrossFit class tonight at 6:30 pm. No CrossFit Experience needed. Bring a friend and sign up HERE: ======================================================================== Snatch (full) 18 Minutes to Find Heaviest Double 4 Rounds for time: 20/15 Cal Row 20 KB Step ups 24/16 (one KB. must hold it in suitcase carry) 24/20 20 KBS 24/16Read More
Yoga with Claire at 5:45 pm. Free for CFR7 members and $10 drop in ========================================================================== EMOM 12: Odd: 3 TNG Power Snatches 70-80% (Technique/quality) Even: 10-15 Hollow Rocks Amrap 4: 400 M Run ME HSPU FX: Wall Walks rest 2:00 Amrap 4 400 M Run ME RIng Dips Rest 2:00 Amrap 4 400 m Run...Read More
Back Squat 5 x 40%, 50% and 60% * NO MAX EFFORT LIFTS. 5 exactly at the percentages Amrap 6 x 2: 10 KB SDHP 32/24, FX: 24/16 10 Box Jumps 30/24 (32/26 at BCF), FX: 24/20 Rest 2:00 between AmrapsRead More
Team Work Warm up. 3 sets of: 15 Partner WBS 20 MB pass Sit Up Rest :90 between sets Partner WOD: 6 rounds (3 rounds each): 12-9-6: Calorie Row Burpees over the rower Cap: 25 minRead More
Strict Press 5 x 40%, 50% and 60% * NO MAX EFFORT LIFTS. 5 exactly at the percentages 8 min AMRAP: 8 OHS 115/80 Fx: 95/96 8 Chest to Bar pull-ups Fx: pull-upsRead More
Free CrossFit class tonight at 6:30 pm. No Crossfit Experience needed. Bring a friend and sign up HERE: ======================================================================== Deadlift;: 5@75%, 3@85 and 1+ @95% 4 rounds: 200m run 20 box jumps 24/20 20m handstand walk Fx: accumulate 40 seconds of handstand holdRead More
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