Yoga with Chuck at 11:15 am. Free for CFR7 members and $10 drop in. Great read. CrossFit and Yoga need one another: ============================= Back Squat EMOM 10 2 Back Squats ME AMRAP 12 8 box jumps, 30/24 (32/26 at BCF) Fx: 24/20 10 shoulder to overhead 135/95 Fx: 115/80 12 kettlebell swings, 32/24 Fx:...Read More
***Next Wednesday, August 17 6:30pm-8:00pm— BCF’s Lauren Cary of The Jackson Clinics will host an injury/movement screen for the CFR7 athletes. Sign up here to reserve your time slot! ================================================ Muscle Up Technique: RX: 30 for time *100 Meter Run every broken set Fx: 30 Jumping Muscle Ups 2-4-6-8-10-12-10-8-6-4-2 OH Lunge 45/25 (In place) Burpees to Plate Atomic Sit up...Read More
***Next Wednesday, August 17 6:30pm-8:00pm— BCF’s Lauren Cary of The Jackson Clinics will host an injury/movement screen for the CFR7 athletes. Sign up here to reserve your time slot! ================================================ Touch and Go Power Snatches 5 x 3 (ME) *working sets start at 75% 2.5-5# heavier than last week EMOM 15 Min 1: 2 Rope Climbs 15″ Min 2: 3...Read More
***Next Wednesday, August 17 6:30pm-8:00pm— BCF’s Lauren Cary of The Jackson Clinics will host an injury/movement screen for the CFR7 athletes. Sign up here to reserve your time slot! ================================================ Front Squat 5 x 5 (A: 5# heavier from 2 weeks ago) Pat’s WOD: Patilac 40/30 Chest to Bar Pull-ups 75 double unders 50/40 Calorie Row 75 double unders 40/30...Read More
***Next Wednesday, August 17 6:30pm-8:00pm— BCF’s Lauren Cary of The Jackson Clinics will host an injury/movement screen for the CFR7 athletes. Sign up here to reserve your time slot! ================================================ KB Single Leg Deadlift 4 x 12 (6 each side) AMRAP 20 400 m Run 30 ABMAT sit-ups 20 Box Jumps Overs* 24/20 10 Deadlifts 225/155 Fx: 185/135 *can jump...Read More
Free CrossFit class tonight at 6:30 pm. No CrossFit Experience needed. Bring a friend and sign up HERE: ====================== “Grace” For time: 30 clean & jerks, 135/95 *Compare: 8/10/2015 Cap: 8:00 Power Clean & Jerk 5 x 1 (ME) *working sets start at 70% Finisher: 600 M Sled Drag *Moderate Weight/ should be able to...Read More
Strength/skill Schedule: Monday: Bench Press/weighted pull-ups Tuesday: Bench Mark WOD/Clean & jerks Wednesday: Single leg DL Thursday: Front Squat Friday: Power Snatches Saturday: Muscle up technique Sunday: Back squats ======================================= Superset: 3 x 5 (A ~80%) Bench Press 3 x 5 (Across as heavy as possible) Weighted Pull ups Run 200m 20 KBS 24/16 20 Ring Dips Run 200m...Read More
Yoga with Chuck at 11:15 am. Free for CFR7 members and $10 drop in. Great read. CrossFit and Yoga need one another: ============================= EMOM 8: 3 TNG Deadlifts @ 80-85% AMRAP 5 x 2 15-12-9-6-3 WBS 20/14 T2B *5 burpee penalty for breaking sets Rest 3:00 btw AMRAPsRead More
Snatch Accessory Clinic Today. Developing methods to increase pulling power off the floor, and speed under the bar. The work provided will not only provide you with strength and technical movements to improve your Snatch but also confidence when the load gets heavy. This 1 hour clinic is Free to CFR7 and BCF members. Drop ins $10....Read More
Saturday, August 6 at the 10am WOD,we will be doing 31 Heroes! Find a buddy, grab a sand bag and get ready to do work. If you would like more information or to make a donation or start your own fundraiser pleased go to Good thing we had a rope climb action this week!...Read More
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