Virtual Classes! CrossFit – 12:00PM JOIN HEREYoga– 5:30PM JOIN HERE Strength:10 Rounds:30 AMRAP Strict Handstand Push Ups:30 Rest Conditioning:AMRAP 12 20 Dumbbell/Kettlebell Step Ups 20 Bench Dips 20ft Handstand Walk (Fx: Bear Crawl) Use a single Dumbbell/Kettlebell for step ups. For bench dips position your hands shoulder-width apart on a secured bench or stable chair. Slide your butt...Read More
Virtual Workouts!!! Yoga– 12:00AM JOIN HERECrossFit– 5:30PM JOIN HERE Strength: E2MOM 125 Each Leg Goblet Bulgarian Split Squats (32×1) Knee should not be touching the floor while pausing.Conditioning:5 Rounds Work 3:00/Rest 1:00AMRAP16 Alternating Dumbbell or Kettlebell Hang Clean and Jerks12 Air Squats8 Push Ups Pick up where you let off at the start of every work period.Read More
Virtual Classes! Yoga– 10:00AM JOIN HERE Strength: Every 2:30 for 5 Rounds8 Goblet squats (:10 Pause at Bottom of Each Rep) Conditioning: 3 Rounds 30 Dumbbell Thrusters (15L/15R)30 Burpees Over the Dumbbell If you do not have a dumbbell, you can use a kettlebell/barbell or any other weighted object. Complete all 15 reps on one arm...Read More
Virtual Classes! CrossFit – 10:00AM JOIN HERE Conditioning:E2MOM 401: Run 400m or :50 out/:50 back2: AMRAP Pull Ups3: 30 Box Jumps or Tuck Jumps4: AMRAP Strict Handstand Push Ups5: Rest If you do not have a pull up bar: Lay on the floor under a sturdy table. Reach up and grab the edge of the table with...Read More
Virtual Classes! CrossFit – 12:00PM JOIN HEREYoga– 5:30PM JOIN HERE U.S. Marine Cpl. Albert Gettings, 27, of New Castle, Pennsylvania, died on Jan. 5, 2009, while conducting counter-sniper operations in Fallujah, Iraq. Cpl. Gettings was serving as a team leader with the 2nd Battalion, 6th Marine Regiment, 2nd Marine Division, II Marine Expeditionary Force, of Camp Lejeune, North...Read More
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