Back Squat 5 x 40%, 50% and 60% * NO MAX EFFORT LIFTS. 5 exactly at the percentages Amrap 6 x 2: 10 KB SDHP 32/24, FX: 24/16 10 Box Jumps 30/24 (32/26 at BCF), FX: 24/20 Rest 2:00 between AmrapsRead More
Team Work Warm up. 3 sets of: 15 Partner WBS 20 MB pass Sit Up Rest :90 between sets Partner WOD: 6 rounds (3 rounds each): 12-9-6: Calorie Row Burpees over the rower Cap: 25 minRead More
The hits keep coming. Success Update after 1 year with CFR7: When you came you had a goal of doing 1 strict pull up and to no longer use a band or ring rows. Now you have multiple strict pull ups and yesterday you did all the pull up in Fran (45 reps) and just 10#...Read More
Strict Press 5 x 40%, 50% and 60% * NO MAX EFFORT LIFTS. 5 exactly at the percentages 8 min AMRAP: 8 OHS 115/80 Fx: 95/96 8 Chest to Bar pull-ups Fx: pull-upsRead More
Free CrossFit class tonight at 6:30 pm. No Crossfit Experience needed. Bring a friend and sign up HERE: ======================================================================== Deadlift;: 5@75%, 3@85 and 1+ @95% 4 rounds: 200m run 20 box jumps 24/20 20m handstand walk Fx: accumulate 40 seconds of handstand holdRead More
What an amazing Event. The 1st Annual Route 7 Rumble was a success. New PR’s were made and WOD’s were crushed by athletes. Thank you to the CrossFit Route 7 community and friends for giving up there time to Volunteer for the grunt work and top notch execution. You got to love it when communities...Read More
NO WODS TODAY: BCF will still have it’s regular Wod Shedule. ========================================================== CrossFit Route 7 is hosting its first local competitive fitness event. Come out an see athletes go all out in team competition.Read More
Get ready to cheer on our CFR7 athletes that are competing in the Route 7 Rumble Saturday, April 23, 2016. ==================================================== Back Squat 5@75%, 3@85 and 1+ @95% 12 rounds :30 work/:30 rest Station 1: 10 m shuttles Station 2: WBS 20/14 Station 3: SDHP 115/80, FX 95/65Read More
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