StrengthEvery 3:00, 4 Sets8 Bench Press (65-70%) Superset Accessory (3+ out of 4 sets):20-:30 PVC Lat Stretch (each side) Conditioning2 Rounds for Time:200m Run12 Burpee Pull-Ups200m Run9 Burpee Chest to Bar Pull-Ups200m Run6 Burpee Bar Muscle-Ups*FX: 6″ Target, Pull-Up, Chest to Bar Pull-Up*RX+: Chest to Bar Pull-Up, Bar Muscle-Up, Ring Muscle-Up*16:00 CapRead More
Strength/SkillEvery 2:00, 3 Rounds1) 6/6 X33-Tempo Single Dumbbell Row (3s hold, 3s down)2) 15 Straight Arm Banded Pulldown w/ Pause at Bottom3) Crossover Single/Double Under Practice ConditioningFor Time:500/400m Row160 Double Unders (FX: 120)16 Bar Muscle-Ups (FX: 8 Bar Muscle-Ups OR 16 Chest to Bar Pull-Ups) (RX+: Ring Muscle-Ups)*9:00 CapRead More
Come join our 5:45pm Skills Clinic tonight to learn about efficient Kipping Pull-Up technique and Butterfly Kipping! U.S. Army Staff Sergeant Aaron N. Holleyman, 27, of Glasgow, Montana, assigned to the 1st Battalion, 5th Special Forces Group, based in Fort Campbell, Kentucky, was killed on August 30, 2004, when his military vehicle hit an improvised...Read More
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