Squad WOD3 Rounds of 8:00 on/2:00 off – w/ Partner, Split Reps Any WayAMRAP100 Calorie Row100 Wall Balls (20/14)100 Single Dumbbell Box Step Ups (24″/20″) (50/35) (FX: 35/20) (RX+: 70/50)100 Sit-Ups100 Push-Ups (RX+: Hand Release Push-Ups)*FX: 80 reps for each movement*Continue where you left offRead More
Struggling with any aches or pains? Dr. Zac Cohen and his team from Cohen Health & Performance in McLean (specializing in injury rehabilitation, performance training, and physical therapy) will be at the gym from 5-6:30 PM tonight doing free evaluations! Come stop by if you have questions or want an evaluation. Weekly OverviewEvents/ClassesMondayPower Snatch, “Isabel”TuesdayBack...Read More
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