Gym closed for HOMECOMING! Come out to cheer on the competitors! 8:30 AM – 2:30 PMVendors and Food!FZKLBennett’s CoffeeCohen Health and Performance Grilled burgers and sandwichesRead More
Join us SATURDAY for our Partner Homecoming Competition! (Reminder: the gym will be closed for working out on Saturday) We have 30 teams coming to compete — 14 of which are from CFR7! Come cheer on your friends! Event 1 starts at 8:30 AM and we will likely run until approximately 2:30 PM.Vendors and Food!FZKLBennett’s...Read More
Get better at your Double Unders and Toes-to-Bars by joining the Skills Clinic at 5:45 PM tonight! StrengthEvery 2:00, 3 Rounds1) 10 Seal Row w/ Pause at Top2) 10 Strict Ring Dips w/ Pause in Dip (FX: Banded) (RX+: Weighted)3) 100′ Backwards Sled Pull Conditioning3 Rounds of :50 on/:10 off1) AMRAP Calorie Ski2) Rest3) AMRAP...Read More
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