2015 CrossFit Games have commenced! http://games.crossfit.com ***Just Added!!!Learn how to climb a rope. Saturday, July 26, 0915-1000 here at R7. Methods and progressions to get you ready for 31 Heroes.*** =========================================== Fitness and Performance: Hang power cleans, 6×3 (A) Fitness: 15-12-9: Deadlift, 275/185 Over box jumps, 24/20 Performance: 15-12-9: Deadlift, 315/205 Over box jumps, 30/24Read More
Fitness & performance: Bar muscle up technique Click to see Technique! Fitness: AMRAP 20: 10 Curtis P’s, 75/55 – this is designed for lot’s of people to be able to FX…so go for it! 10 bastards Run 400m Performance: AMRAP 20: 10 Curtis P’s, 115/80 10 bastards Run 400m Read More
Free class tonight at 6:30 pm. Bring your friends (no CF experience required)! =================================================================================================================================== Fitness: Snatch technique A) Snatch, 7×2 (A) B) Snatch balance; overhead squat, 7×1.1 (A) Performance: Snatch technique A) Snatch, find a heavy double B) Snatch balance; overhead squat, 7×1.1 (90% of above) Click to see Snatch Balance Read More
***No Wods or Open Gym this weekend due to the B&R Open. Feel free to workout at BCF, JUST SHOW UP, NO NEED TO RESERVE! allow yourself 15 minutes or more to find parking. *** CrossFit Route 7 is hosting what we hope to be the first of many competitions. This weekend of July 18th and...Read More
***No Wods or Open Gym this weekend due to the B&R Open. Feel free to workout at BCF, JUST SHOW UP, NO NEED TO RESERVE! allow yourself 15 minutes or more to find parking. We are looking for a couple of Volunteers to collect spectator fees at the door. If you have never seen an Olympic...Read More
***NO 5:30PM Tonight:: CFR7 is having community outreach WOD for a local company. Feel free to invite your friends to join in on this event. We will be working out from 5:00-6:30 pm. The 6:30 Wod and 7:30 open gym are still in play!*** ***No Wods or Open Gym this weekend due to the B&R...Read More
***NO THURSDAY 5:30PM THIS WEEK: CFR7 is having community outreach WOD for a local company. Feel free to invite your friends to join in on this event. We will be working out from 5:00-6:30 pm. The 6:30 Wod and 7:30 open gym are still in play!*** ***No Wods or Open Gym this weekend due to...Read More
Free class tonight at 6:30 pm. Bring your friends (no CF experience required)! ***NO THURSDAY 5:30PM THIS WEEK: CFR7 is having community outreach WOD for a local company. Feel free to invite your friends to join in on this event. We will be working out from 5:00-6:30 pm. The 6:30 Wod and 7:30 open gym...Read More
***NO THURSDAY 5:30PM THIS WEEK: CFR7 is having community outreach WOD for a local company. 6:30 Wod and 7:30 open gym are still in play!*** ***No Wods or Open Gym this weekend due to the B&R Open. Feel free to workout at BCF. We are looking for a couple of Volunteers to collect spectator fees...Read More
Complete the form below and then you will automatically be routed to our page with rates and the option to register for our Beginners Foundations course.