CFR7 Community: You may see many new faces walk through the door over the next 2 weeks. We have teamed up with GymBuilder to find motivated athletes to join our community. When you see them, greet them warmly and make them feel welcome. They will be participating in our 6 week challenge beginning January 16th....Read More
Free CrossFit Tonight at 6:30 pm. No CrossFit Experience needed. Bring a friend and sign up HERE: =============================================== CFR7 Community: You may see many new faces walk through the door over the next 2 weeks. We have teamed up with GymBuilder to find motivated athletes to join our community. When you see them, greet them warmly...Read More
CFR7 Community: You may see many new faces walk through the door over the next 2 weeks. We have teamed up with GymBuilder to find motivated athletes to join our community. When you see them, greet them warmly and make them feel welcome. They will be participating in our 6 week challenge beginning January 16th....Read More
Hand Stand Walking Practice Rx: 5:00 Max Distance *Fx: Assisted Walks AMRAP 12: 2-4-6-4-10 etc. Overhead Squat 115/80, Fx: 95/65 Pull ups, Fx: Ring RowsRead More
Free CrossFit Tonight at 6:30 pm. No CrossFit Experience needed. Bring a friend and sign up HERE: =============================================== Front Squat: 3 x 12 (ME) AMRAP 14: 21 Air Squats 15 HSPU, Fx: HR Push ups 9 Deadlift 225/155, FX: 155/105 Accumulate a 4:00 Dead hang Hollow body positon.Read More
2016 End of Year Schedule Reminder: Tuesday and Wednesday: No 7:30 PM Friday Evening: 5:30 pm Only Saturday: Normal Sunday (New Year’s Day): 2:00pm Wod and Open Gym Only ==================================== Athletes, Here is the layout for Programming and goals for the beginning of the new year. 20-Rep Squat Routine ( Introduced by John McCallum in...Read More
2016 End of Year Schedule Reminder: Tuesday and Wednesday: No 7:30 PM Friday Evening: 5:30 pm Only Saturday: Normal Sunday (New Year’s Day): 2:00pm Wod and Open Gym Only ==================================== Athletes, Here is the layout for Programming and goals for the beginning of the new year. 20-Rep Squat Routine ( Introduced by John McCallum in...Read More
1000 WOD and Open Gym today ================== Strength/Skill Schedule This Week Monday: Back Squat Tuesday: KB/DB Strict Press/accessory Wednesday: Snatch Thursday: Front Squat Friday: Handstand Walks Saturday: New Year Partner WOD Sunday: Bench Press ========================================= EMOM 14: ODD: 3 Back Squats (A: ~85% of 1 RM) Even: 6-8 Strict Pull Ups 3 Rounds for time: 15 Ring Dips 20 KBS 24/16,...Read More
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