Impromptu Sunday-Funday!Come join us TODAY at the Tysons Corner Starr Hill Biergarten (1805 Capital One Drive) from 1-4 PM, for a relaxing afternoon with the CFR7 family outside of the gym. There is plenty of room on the rooftop and lots of outdoor games and drink/food options. Friends and family welcome! Strength E2MOM 101: Rx+:...Read More
Strength 3 Rounds10 Goblet or Double Kettlebell Front Rack Cossack Squats:30 Each Arm Single Arm High Plank5 Reverse Nordic Curls5 Nordic Hamstring Curls Conditioning 2 Rounds20 Burpees400m Run20 Burpees20 Chest to Bar Pull Ups (Fx: Pull Ups)Read More
Impromptu Sunday-Funday!When: This weekend! Sunday, April 10th, from 1-4pmWhere: Tysons Corner Starr Hill Biergarten (1805 Capital One Drive) What: Come enjoy a relaxing afternoon with the CFR7 family outside of the gym. There is plenty of room on the rooftop and lots of outdoor games and drink/food options. Friends and family welcome! Strength E2MOM 102...Read More
AB ATTACK!Get that six-pack ready for your beach trip by coming to Ab Attack with Mariah at 6:45 PM tonight! Conditioning 5 Rounds600/500m Row (Fx: 500/450) (Rx+: 700/600m)100 Double Unders (Fx: 70)20 Hang Power Snatches (75/55) (Fx: 45/35) (Rx+: 95/65)Read More
Need to work on your mobility? Join us for our Inaugural Mobility Class with Coach Scinju tonight at 5:45 PM! Impromptu Sunday-Funday!Mark your calendars to come to Starr Hill Biergarten this Sunday, April 10th, from 1-4pm! Come enjoy a relaxing afternoon with the CFR7 family outside of the gym. There is plenty of room on...Read More
Need to work on your mobility? Join us for our Inaugural Mobility Class tomorrow evening at 5:45 PM! Our focus this week will be on our shoulders. Weekly OverviewEvents/ClassesMondayFunctional Body Building – ArmsTuesdayStrict HSPU and Knees-to-ChestInaugural Mobility Class at 5:45 PMWednesdayLong ConditioningAb Attack at 6:45 PMThursdayPause Back SquatsFridayFunctional Body Building – LegsSaturdayCleansOlympic Weightlifting Class at...Read More
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