EMOM 10: Odd: 2 Muscle ups + 3 Ring dips, FX: 5 Muscle ups transitions Even: 5 Hang Power Cleans 65-70% of 1RM Clean For Time: 30 Thruster 115/80 Fx 95/65 800 m run 30 Thrusters 115/80, Fx 95/65Read More
BCF & CFR7 Guys – It’s that time again! Whiskey and WOD night is this Friday, April 15, at 6:30pm at Ballston CrossFit! Coach Tucker will lead us in a fun WOD followed by (or perhaps incorporating) drinking whiskey! Get ready for an evening of hanging out, whiskey, more whiskey, and probably additional challenges like...Read More
Free CrossFit class tonight at 6:30 pm. No Crossfit Experience needed. Bring a friend and sign up HERE: ======================================================================== Strict Press 3 x 70%, 80% and 3+ x 90% 3 sets not for time: 1 min Weighted Plank 45/25, Fx: 25/15 10 DB Tricep extensions each side 20 Glute bridges BW Rest as needed/not for...Read More
Strength Schedule: Tuesday: Strict Press/ double strength Thursday: Back Squat Saturday: Bench Press ========================================================= EMOM 16: Min 1: 5 OHS 135/95 Fx: 95/65 Min 2: 8 Burpees over Bar Min 3: 5 Clean and Jerks 135/95 Fx 95/65 Min 4: 10 Cal Row AMRAP 12: 200 M Run 12 Box Jumps 24/20 12 KB swings...Read More
Yoga with Claire at 5:45 pm. $10 drop in ========================================================================== Deadlift;: 5 x 65%, 75% and 5+ x 85% AMRAP 10: 10 Thrusters 100/70, FX: 75/55 10 K2E, Fx: Hanging Knee raisesRead More
Kipping/Butterfly Pull up technique Rx: 3 ME Sets of Pull Ups rest 1:00 between sets 3 Rounds for total time: 15 Box Jumps overs 24/20 15 HSPU 15 Power Snatches 115/80, Fx: 95.65 Rest 1:00 *feet can land on boxRead More
BCF & CFR7 Ladies! RSVP HERE for our Wine + WOD Event! Tonight, join us for a fun, free WOD at6:30 pm! We will create a WOD that is accessible for all levels of experience so invite any female friends to join! ================================================ Bench Press 5 x 65%, 75% and 5+ x 85% When you see 5+,...Read More
BCF & CFR7 Ladies! RSVP HERE for our Wine + WOD Event! Friday, April 8, join us for a fun, free WOD at6:30 pm! We will create a WOD that is accessible for all levels of experience so invite any female friends to join! ================================================ Back Squat 5 x 65%, 75% and 5+ x 85% When...Read More
BCF & CFR7 Ladies! RSVP HERE for our Wine + WOD Event! Friday, April 8, join us for a fun, free WOD at6:30 pm! We will create a WOD that is accessible for all levels of experience so invite any female friends to join! ================================================ Double Under Skills and Practice If you have Double unders: Goat...Read More
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