Bench Press: 3 x ME Bodyweight/ 60% of BW *After each set perform a Max Effort Set of Push ups *3:00 Rest “Back and Forth” 6 Rounds: 2:00 on/ 2:00 off Rounds 1 and 4: 300/250m Row then Max Ring Muscle Ups, Fx: Pull ups Rounds 2 and 5: 20 Dumbbell Snatches 50/35, Fx:35/20 then...Read More
Join us today for a Free Class today at 11am! ======================== Optimizing Shoulder Performance Clinic (FREE): Saturday, August 11th at 11:30 am This event will be a great opportunity to have all your questions answered by a physical therapist and shoulder pain expert! You will also have chance to have a mini-evaluation on your shoulder to...Read More
Strength: Snatch: 8 x 1 Focus on accuracy (start at 80% but do not exceed 88%) Conditioning: 3 Rounds for quality 200 m Farmers Carry (100L/100R) 20 Russian Twists w/KB 18/15 Assault Bike Cals 1:00 High Plank (Not for time)Read More
Optimizing Shoulder Performance Clinic (FREE): Saturday, August 11th at 11:30 am This event will be a great opportunity to have all your questions answered by a physical therapist and shoulder pain expert! You will also have chance to have a mini-evaluation on your shoulder to assess your particular symptoms. If getting up in front of a...Read More
FREE CLASS tonight at 6:30 pm. Come see how our gym get results! Limited spaces, sign up now: ======================================= Optimizing Shoulder Performance Clinic (FREE): Saturday, August 11th at 11:30 am This event will be a great opportunity to have all your questions answered by a physical therapist and shoulder pain expert! You will also have chance to have...Read More
Optimizing Shoulder Performance Clinic (FREE): Saturday, August 11th at 11:30 am This event will be a great opportunity to have all your questions answered by a physical therapist and shoulder pain expert! You will also have chance to have a mini-evaluation on your shoulder to assess your particular symptoms. If getting up in front of a...Read More
Optimizing Shoulder Performance Clinic (FREE): Saturday, August 11th at 11:30 am This event will be a great opportunity to have all your questions answered by a physical therapist and shoulder pain expert! You will also have chance to have a mini-evaluation on your shoulder to assess your particular symptoms. If getting up in front of a...Read More
Snatch: 2 x 3 @70%, 3 @75%, 2@ 80, 3 x 1 @85% *Not Touch and go reps *Athletes should receive the bar in the squat 3 Rounds for total time: 12-9-6 American Kettlebell Swings 32/24 Hand Relase Push ups Rest 2:00Read More
Join us today for a Free Class today at 11am! ====== Double Under Clinic: Saturday, August 4 at 11:30 am Turn singles in to Doubles! Bring your rope or use ours as we work through progressions, skills and drills get that rope spinning the right way. ============================= “31 Heroes” AMRAP 31: 8 thrusters, 155/105 6...Read More
Boys, Bottles and Barbells, Friday, August 3 at 6:30 pm All the bros will crush a WOD followed by (or perhaps incorporating) drinking whiskey or beer! Flip cup will be going down with a fitness twist. Event is free but bring your own whiskey (and/or beer) and snacks! Feel free to invite any other bros...Read More
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