Virtual Classes! CrossFit – 10:00AM JOIN HERE Strength:5 Rounds10 V-Ups or Tuck Ups10 Romanian DeadliftsConditioning:AMRAP 1515 Box Jumps or Tuck Jumps15 Right Arm Dumbbell/Kettlebell Snatches15 Left Arm Dumbbell/Kettlebell SnatchesRead More
**Please note all of the following guidelines are based on current guidance from the Governor of Virginia. We are prepared to continue to adjust our operations as further guidance/direction is released in the coming weeks/months. Please note, if you don’t agree with the guidance released by your elected Virginian officials, we encourage you to reach out to your...Read More
Virtual Classes! CrossFit – 12:00PM JOIN HEREYoga– 5:30PM JOIN HERE Strength:E2MOM 161: 10 Each Arm Tempo Kettlebell/Dumbbell Front Squat (30×1)2: 10 Max Height Vertical Jumps with Power StepConditioning:AMRAP 1836 Russian Kettlebell/Dumbbell Swings36 Mountain Climbers36 Russian TwistsRead More
Virtual Workouts!!! CrossFit – 12:00PM JOIN HERE 30 Minute Mobility – 5:00PM JOIN HERE Core Blast – 6:00PM JOIN HERE Strength:5 Rounds:30 AMRAP Biceps Curls:15 Hold at 90° :45 Rest:30 AMRAP Triceps Extensions:15 Hold at 90°:45 RestConditioning:4 Rounds20 Jump Switch Lunges20 Walking Lunges5 Walking Inch Worms (No Push Up)Read More
Virtual Workouts!!! Yoga– 12:00AM JOIN HERECrossFit– 5:30PM JOIN HERE Strength:E2MOM 161: :45 High Plank2: :30 Handstand Hold (Fx: Pike Hold) Conditioning:5 Rounds10 Burpees10 Push Ups10 Each Arm Dumbbell/Kettlebell ThrustersRead More
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