11:00AMFree Beginner CrossFit Class! Anyone interested in trying out a CrossFit class is welcome to come check out what CFR7 has to offer! 4:30 PMThird Annual CFR7/Ballston CrossFit Scaled Competition! Strength: Every 1:30 for 4 Rounds of Each, AlternatingStation 1: 3 Bench Press (ME)Station 2: 3 Pendlay Row (ME) Conditioning: AMRAP 920 Deadlifts (135/95) (Fx:...Read More
REMINDERSaturday is the BCF/CFR7 Scaled Competition! There’s still time to get your team together! MORE DETAILS>> Strength: E3MOM 21SnatchSet 1: 3 @65%Set 2: 3 @70%Set 3: 3 @75%Set 4: 3 @80%Set 5: 3 @85% Set 6: 3 @85%+Set 7: 3 @85%++ Not touch-and-go. Conditioning: AMRAP 550 American Kettlebell Swings (24/16) (Fx: 16/12)Max Reps Push Jerk...Read More
5:30PM NEW CLASS TIME FOR 7 FIT! Overview of the Week WODsEventsMonday Deadlifts NEW CLASS TIME! 7 Fit 5:30PMTuesday “Kelly” Skills Clinic (5:45 pm)Wednesday GymnasticsNEW CLASS TIME! 7 Fit 5:30PMThursday Snatches Friday Back Squats Coach BJ Farewell WOD & CelebrationSaturday Bench Presses Free Beginner CrossFit Class (11:00 am)CrossFit KidsThird Annual CFR7/Ballston CrossFit Scaled Competition! Sunday...Read More
–ATTENTION: Parking will be limited today due to Tyson’s Playground hosting an Olympic Weightlifting and powerlifting meet all day. -You may park at a angle for today like shown in the picture below. Instead of backing in just pull in forward! [divider scroll_text] 11:00AMFree Beginner CrossFit Class! Anyone interested in trying out a CrossFit class is...Read More
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