Weekly OverviewEvents/ClassesMonday“The Chief”Toes-to-Bar/Double Under Skills Clinic at 5:45 PMTuesdayDeadliftShoulder Mobility Class at 5:45 PMWednesdayRing Muscle UpAb Attack at 5:45 PMThursdayBack SquatFridaySnatchSaturdaySquad WODSundayDB Bench/Strict Pull Ups “The Chief” 5 Rounds of 3:00 on/1:00 offAMRAP 33 Power Cleans (135/95)6 Push-Ups9 Air SquatsStart next round where you left off in previous AMRAP Compare to 2/16/19 Strength 3 Rounds...Read More
Strength Every 1:30, 3 Rounds (9 Intervals)1) 10 Strict Press (↑)2) 6/6 X03-Tempo Single Arm Dumbbell Row (↑) (3s eccentric)3) :45 Plank (Optional Weighted)*Score is Strict Press Conditioning Every 1:30, 5 Rounds (10 Intervals)1) 18/13 Calorie Row + AMRAP Burpees Over Rower in Remaining Time (FX: 15/10) (RX+: 21/16)2) Rest*Score is total burpees over rowerRead More
Strength Every 2:00, 8 Sets1-4) 2 High Hang Power Clean + 1 Front Squat (↑)5-8) 2 High Hang Squat Clean (↑)*Hold onto bar between reps*Score is heaviest High Hang Squat Clean Conditioning AMRAP 15 w/ Partner – split reps any way200m Team Run (RX+: One person carries 20/14lbs Wallball)40 Weighted Situps (15/10) (FX: No Weight)...Read More
Don’t forget about mobility class today at 5:45! We will be working on our Lumbar Spine. Strength Every 3:00, 4 Sets10 Back Squats (55-60%) + 10 Dumbbell High Pull Conditioning 4 Rounds of 3:00 on/1:00 off200m Run (RX+ 300m)40 Double Unders (RX+ 60)AMRAP Single Arm Dumbbell Lunge (50/35) (FX: 35/20) (RX+: 70/50)*Score is total lunges...Read More
Weekly OverviewEvents/ClassesMondayOverhead SquatTuesdayBack SquatLumbar Spine Mobility Class at 5:45 PMWednesdayCleanAb Attack at 5:45 PMThursdayRope Climbs/DipsFridayDeadliftsSaturdaySquad WODSundayStrict Press Strength Every 2:00, 8 Sets2 Snatch Grip Push Press + 2 Overhead Squats (↑, CAP at 70%)*% based off of 1RM Snatch or 1RM OHS Conditioning AMRAP 55 Power Snatch (95/65) (FX: 75/55) (RX+: 115/80)5 Burpees Over Bar...Read More
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