WOD / Events

Come out this Saturday and show some love for all the athletes of CFR7 and BCF this weekend at Team SuperFit DC at Trident CrossFit.  It’s an all day team competition. If you’ve never seen a competitive fitness event in person then get down there. $10 at the door.  For more info click here.



Teams of 2:
10 minute AMRAP of:
100 meter OH plate carry (rx-45/25) (fx-25/15)*
3 Muscle Ups (Rx) or 6 Chest 2 Bar (Fx)
10 Goblet Squats (Rx-70/53)(fx-53/35)
*if you put the plate down on the carry is a 3 burpee penalty on spot.

3 minute rest

Teams of 2:
10 minute AMRAP of:
250 meter row
8 Push Press (Rx: 135/95)(Fx: 115/75)
12 Shoulder to Overhead
8 Barbell Roll Outs

Come out this Saturday and show some love for all the athletes of CFR7 and BCF this weekend at Team SuperFit DC at Trident CrossFit.  It’s an all day team competition. If you’ve never seen a competitive fitness event in person then get down there. $10 at the door.  For more info click here.


10@70%, 8@75%, 6@80%, 4@85%

AMRAP 12 of:
10 Single leg RDLs with KB (5 each leg)(Rx 32/24, Fx 24/16)
15 Box Jumps 24/20 (games standard)
10 ring dips*
200 meter run

*(no thicker than medium band if needed) (sub out will be box/bench dips)

How could we forget to welcome a new bundle of fitness to our family. Say hello to Katelyn Clara Lee, Congratulations Adam and Stacey!!!

Come out this Saturday and show some love for all the athletes of CFR7 and BCF this weekend at Team SuperFit DC at Trident CrossFit.  It’s an all day team competition. If you’ve never seen a competitive fitness event in person then get down there. $10 at the door.  For more info click here.


10 minute EMOM of:
Even: 1 Squat Clean + 9 Front (Rx 135/95) (Fx 115/80)
Odd: 15-20 Toes 2 bar

5 minutes Rest.

AMRAP10 of:
1 Hang Clean (Rx 115/85)(fx 95/65)
1 Burpee
1Thruster (115/85)(95/65)
2 Hang Cleans (Rx 115/85)(fx 95/65)
2 Burpees
2 Thruster (115/85)(95/65).
3 Hang Cleans (Rx 115/85)(fx 95/65)
3 Burpees
3 Thrusters (115/85)(95/65)
Continue climbing until AMRAP ends

Dr. Justin Bryant and Dr. Bill Kempe from Airrosti will be hosting a shoulder mobility seminar on September 21st  at CrossFit Rt. 7 and Ballston CrossFit, respectively.  The course will be held from 6:15 – 6:45.  During this 30 minute seminar you will learn how to improve flexibility in the thoracic spine and shoulders to create better positioning for the front rack and overhead positions.  If you struggle with snatches, thrusters, cleans or front squats, this is for you!

Also – these guys are soft tissue specialists. If you are dealing with any issues, they now take Aetna and it’s only a small co-pay, I encourage you to chat with them after the seminar!

Drop ins are welcome!!! Please tell your friends that may have some issues. $15 Cash and they can do the WOD after the clinic.

Please Read and Sign the following if you plan on attended. https://go.airrosti.com/scheduler/event/3UY3N8DSVMW


12 Min EMOM of:
2 Power Snatch+2 OH Lunge+3 OHS
(suggested weights M:135-95 F:95-65)
*should be able to get through complex without dropping weight

30 DUs (Rx Miss start over at 0)
15 Weighted abmat sit-ups (25/15)
10 hand release push ups


Partner WOD from the AM/PM Throwdown
Buy in: 50 wall balls (both athletes work at the same time)
21-15-9 (one athlete working at a time)
Deadlifts (255/165)
Burpees over your partner (partner holds hand plank)
(if athlete can’t jump over partner’s back, jump over the legs twice!)
Cash out:  50 pull-ups (both athletes work at the same time)Finisher: Turkish Get-ups


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