WOD / Events


The 2017 Reebok CrossFit Games will take place Aug. 3-6, at the Alliant Energy Center in Madison, Wisconsin. Once the Games begin, fans can tune in to watch the entirety of the individual, team, masters and teen competitions live on the CrossFit Games website and on Facebook. In addition, CBS Sports Digital will stream up to 40 hours of live event coverage of teams and individuals on CBSSports.com and the CBS Sports app.


 The first Thursday of the month is here! CrossFit Route 7 is excited to join Run the World to provide strength and conditioning to take their running to the next level. These session is for everyone! Are you a runner that doesn’t strength train, a lifter with no conditioning or just looking for a workout. Come out and train! Please reserve you space if you are not a CrossFit Route 7 member and arrive 15:00 prior to complete our waiver.

Click here to: https://crossfitroute7.com/try-us-for-free/


Power Snatch
00:00-14:00 Find Heavy Triple
14:00-20:00 3 x 3 @ 90% of triple
*Does not have to be Touch and Go

60 Double Unders
400 meter Run
20 WBS 20/14

Free CrossFit Tonight at 6:30 pm. No CrossFit Experience needed. Bring a friend and sign up HERE:


Just a few more days!

The 2017 Reebok CrossFit Games will take place Aug. 3-6, at the Alliant Energy Center in Madison, Wisconsin. Once the Games begin, fans can tune in to watch the entirety of the individual, team, masters and teen competitions live on the CrossFit Games website and on Facebook. In addition, CBS Sports Digital will stream up to 40 hours of live event coverage of teams and individuals on CBSSports.com and the CBS Sports app.


 The first Thursday of the month is here! CrossFit Route 7 is excited to join Run the World to provide strength and conditioning to take their running to the next level. These session is for everyone! Are you a runner that doesn’t strength train, a lifter with no conditioning or just looking for a workout. Come out and train! Please reserve you space if you are not a CrossFit Route 7 member and arrive 15:00 prior to complete our waiver.

Click here to: https://crossfitroute7.com/try-us-for-free/


Front Squat/Back Squat Cycle
5 x 4/8 @ 80%
Rest 2:00

Partner WOD:
Partners Alternating Rounds:
9 DB Deadlifts 50/35, Fx:35/20
6 Burpees
3 DB Power Cleans 50/35, Fx:35/20
*2 Dumbbells
*Idea courtesy : TZ Strength
*Coaches notes: 1 head of the DBs need to touch the deck.


“No discipline is enjoyable while it is happening—it’s painful! But afterward there will be a peaceful harvest of right living for those who are trained in this way. So take a new grip with your tired hands and strengthen your weak knees. Mark out a straight path for your feet so that those who are weak and lame will not fall but become strong.”
‭‭Hebrews‬ ‭12:11-13‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Thanks once again to all the O.G.’s for sharing their stories with us. Until next year friends!


 The first Thursday of the month is here! CrossFit Route 7 is excited to join Run the World to provide strength and conditioning to take their running to the next level. These session is for everyone! Are you a runner that doesn’t strength train, a lifter with no conditioning or just looking for a workout. Come out and train! Please reserve you space if you are not a CrossFit Route 7 member and arrive 15:00 prior to complete our waiver.

Click here to: https://crossfitroute7.com/try-us-for-free/


Strength and Skill Schedule:
Monday: “Helen”
Tuesday: Front Squat/Back Squat Cycle
Wednesday: Power Snatch
Thursday: Muslc Ups
Friday: Front Squat/Back Squat Cycle
Saturday: Clean Complex
Sunday: Rope climbs


3 rounds for time:
Run 400m
21 kettlebell swings (24/16)
12 pull-ups ”

3 Push Press (ME)

No Yoga this Sunday. Open Gym from 1100-1200.


4 x 5 @ 75% of 2 RM

8 Hang Power Cleans 155/105, Fx: 115/80
9 Hand Release Push Ups
10 Toes to Bar

No Yoga this Sunday. Open Gym from 1100-1200.


And now, the always entertaining. Never lets you down. Dale the O.G.  I’ve been to a lot of CF Boxes.  Some good ones, some OK ones.  What we have here is special.  You can see above that we’ve gone through quite a few coaches and members (no surprise with the transient nature of this region).  One thing hasn’t changed.  The quality.  Quality of the coaches.  Quality of the equipment.  And most important quality of the members.  That’s why I chose Rt7. 

I can hurl tennis rackets at small moving objects with deadly accuracy. I once read Paradise Lost, Moby Dick, and David Copperfield in one day and still had time to refurbish an entire dining room that evening. I have performed several covert operations for the CIA. I sleep once a week; when I do sleep, I sleep in a chair. While on vacation in Canada, I successfully negotiated with a group of terrorists who had seized a small bakery. The laws of physics do not apply to me.


For Time:
30 Snatches 135/95
*Power Snatches are legit

Compare to:
8/17/16, 11/20/14, 5/10/14

3 x 600 Meter Run:
Rest 2:00

1 555 556 557 558 559 744

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