Monday, September 19, 2016
Free Skills Class with Coach Nicole on Thursday night at 7:30 pm
Thursday, September 22 at 6:30pm, Dr. Jordan Speares is certified as an Active Release Technique (A.R.T.) provider! A.R.T. is a patented technique that is used to break up the scar tissue that restricts blood flow and impedes movement. Register online HERE or standby if seat is empty.
Strength/Skill Schedule:
Monday: Snatch
Tuesday: Hand Stand Walk
Wednesday: Back Squat
Thursday: Muscle Up/Partner Wod
Friday: Deadlift
Saturday: Clean
Sunday: Push Press
EMOM 10:
*Starting at 65%, increase 5# after every successful lift.
5 Rounds:
4 Hang Power Snatches 115/80 Fx: 95/65
8 OHS 115/80, Fx: 95/65
12 T2B Fx: 6 T2B