Handstand Push-up/Handstand Walk Skills Clinic at 5:45 PM!Sign up on ZenPlanner to reserve your spot! StrengthIn 15:00Build to Heavy Hang Squat Snatch FX:Every 2:30, 6 Sets2 Hang Squat Snatch w/ Pause at Hang1-3) 60-65%4-6) 65-70% ConditioningAMRAP 1030 Box Jumps (24/20)15 Overhead Squat (95//65) (FX: 75/55) (RX+: 115/80)15 Hang Power Snatch (95//65) (FX: 75/55) (RX+: 115/80)Read More
Coach Kevin will be hosting an Olympic Lifting Seminar on Saturday, February 3rd from 11:30 – 1:30 PM! We are capping the class at 12, so this is a great opportunity to get some 1-1 coaching and improve your snatch, clean, and split jerk! ALL levels are welcome and encouraged to participate!Sign-up on Zen Planner...Read More
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