WOD / Events

We have a free class every Saturday at 10am and Tuesday at 6:30pm – please invite your friends/co-workers to come experience a fun free WOD! Also, if you work near the box, please take some of our promo cards on the front desk and pass them out to your co-workers and place them in your kitchen in your office!



Shoulder mobility to open up for kipping: http://youtu.be/tMQTNTqVb7k  and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hmPHGpNX0SI

Ankle mobility for OHS: KB ankle mobility for dorsiflection and roller


Kipping pull-up technique or:

30 pull ups for time*
*Rest 60 seconds, repeat two more times.

7 rounds:
7 Overhead squats (95/65)
14 sit-ups (butterfly or knees up allowed)

7 rounds:
7 Overhead squats (135/95)
14 sit-ups (butterfly or knees up allowed)



Classes at CFR7 are officially running for members only this week. If you would like to join as a member, or sign-up for our Foundations course, please visit https://crossfitroute7.com/how-to-join/ and look at our membership options.


Deadlift, 5×5 (A)

Fitness & performance:








In honor of Navy Petty Officer 1st Class Jeff Taylor, 30, of Little Creek, VA who was killed in Afghanistan in summer of 2005.

“My husband was a warrior and a man who believed his purpose in life was to defend the freedoms that each of us enjoy today.” Erin Taylor

Handstand pushups
Ring Dips
Push ups

Classes at CFR7 are officially running for members only this week. If you would like to join as a member, or sign-up for our Foundations course, please visit https://crossfitroute7.com/how-to-join/ and look at our membership options.


Hang power clean to split jerk, 7×2 (A)

3 power cleans, 80% of weight used in strength
*With the remaining minute, complete as many double unders as possible.

Classes at CFR7 are officially running for members only this week. If you would like to join as a member, or sign-up for our Foundations course, please visit https://crossfitroute7.com/how-to-join/ and look at our membership options.


Front squats, 5×5 (A)
*Add 5-10 pounds from last week.

Front squats, 7×2 (80-85%)

Fitness & performance:
Wallball shots, 20/14
Box jumps, 24/20
*Every minute on the minute, complete 4 burpees.

We are extremely excited about the official opening of CrossFit Route 7 opening today!! We’ll be doing the same WOD that we did when Ballston CrossFit (our sister gym) opened on Feb 13, 2012!! When BCF opened, the best Fran times were around 5 min, BCF now has several athletes with a sub 3 min Fran time. CFR7 – Bring the heat today…lets see what you’ve got!!

Effective today, membership is required at CFR7. If you have not signed up for membership yet, you can sign up for monthly CrossFit membership here: https://crossfitroute7.com/how-to-join/

INCLEMENT WEATHER POLICY: We will be open in the am regardless of weather conditions.  In the case that we close the box, we will post on Facebook and update the WOD page. Our sister box Ballston CrossFit never closes due to inclement weather, so in the case we do shut CFR7, those with a 4×4 will always be welcome to WOD with us at BCF!


Fitness & performance:
Thrusters, 95/65


Finisher: EMOTM 12:
2 push presses*
*70-75% of 1RM clean & jerk

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