WOD / Events

Reminder – free class tonight at 6:30pm. Bring your friends (no CF experience required)!

Lets get behind our athletes this weekend competing in Flex on the Mall, Saturday, June 6.  Show them some love for being ambassadors of Fitness, CrossFit Route 7 and Ballston CrossFit.  Some cheering, fresh fruit and water go a long way!

5 rounds for reps:
Max rep press, 70% of 1RM
Max rep sit-ups (capped at 50/round)
200m suitcase carry**
*Rest approximately 3 minutes between each round.

**10 burpee penalty for putting the kb’s down!

Optional finisher:
Handstand hold/walk technique

Lets get behind our athletes this weekend competing in Flex on the Mall, Saturday, June 6.  Show them some love for being ambassadors of Fitness, CrossFit Route 7 and Ballston CrossFit.  Some cheering, fresh fruit and water go a long way!


Back squat, find a 5RM

4 rounds for time:
25 Wallball shots, 20/14
200m Run


Athletes: We know the weather is getting nice but remember to stay hydrated. Enjoy the Sunshine!

“Record Breaker”
5 strict pull-ups
10 box jumps, 32/26
2 squat cleans @ 135/95

Thanks to all the athletes that have been spreading the word to their friends and family about the CrossFit Route 7 community. We cannot do this without you. It is our goal and pleasure to have a positive impact on the lives of others through fitness.  The more we grow, the more we help!

Deadlift, 3×10 (ME)

10 min AMRAP:
10 goblet squats 24/16
15 sit-ups
20 double unders

Minutes 1-5: 3 Push Press @ RPE 8/9
Minutes 6-10: 5 Push Jerks @ same weight.

For time:
Run 200m
10 snatches*, 135/95
Run 400m
20 burpee box jumps, 24/20
Run 600m
30 ring dips
Run 800m
40 kettlebell swings, 32/24

*Yes, these must be squat snatches


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