WOD / Events

Yoga with Chuck at 11:15 am. Free for CFR7 members and $10 drop in.

Great reads. CrossFit and Yoga need one another: http://zusayoga.com/yogaandcrossfit/


Turkish Get Ups
3 x 8(4 each Side)
20 Hollow Rocks between sets

10 Overhead Lunges (In Place) 95/65, Fx: 75/55
10 Hand Release Burpees over Bar
20 Abmat Situps

5 Rounds
Run 800 meters
30 Kettlebell Swings 32/24
30 pullups

Scale as needed. No cap

*If it rains we will Row! Don’t be Skurred

The May Challenge is here! It’s almost time for the Hero Wod “Murph” for the Memorial Day WOD. What better way to prepare than to practice your Cindy Strategy. As a community lets see how many Rounds of Cindy we can do for the month.
1 Round of Cindy:
5 Pull Ups
10 Push ups
15 Air Squats
Add your rounds up on the Community Goals section of the Goals Board. (please write neatly)
Challenge yourself with Strict,weighted, banded, ring rows. whatever it takes. Coaches can play too!


Snatch Complex:
Find Heaviest Complex of:
1 Power Snatch + 2 Hang Squat Snatch + 3 Overhead Squat

3 rounds for time
3 Bar Muscle Ups
6 Front Squats 135/95, Fx:115/80
9 Handstand Push ups
12 Hang Power Cleans 135/95, Fx:115/80

The May Challenge is here! It’s almost time for the Hero Wod “Murph” for the Memorial Day WOD. What better way to prepare than to practice your Cindy Strategy. As a community lets see how many Rounds of Cindy we can do for the month.
1 Round of Cindy:
5 Pull Ups
10 Push ups
15 Air Squats
Add your rounds up on the Community Goals section of the Goals Board. (please write neatly)
Challenge yourself with Strict,weighted, banded, ring rows. whatever it takes. Coaches can play too!


The first Thursday is upon us. This session is for everyone! Are you a runner that doesn’t strength train, a lifter with no conditioning or just looking for a workout. These sessions will be comprised of Interval training, Strength training, dynamic/explosive drills and technique. Come out and train! Please reserve you space if you are not a CrossFit Route 7 member and arrive 15:00 prior to complete our waiver.


“Teams Gone Bad”
With a Partner alternating Movements
4 rounds, 1 minute rounds:
Wallball shots, 20/14, Fx: 14/10
Sumo deadlift high-pull, 75/55
Box Jump, 20 inches
Push-press, 75/55 – athlete must go from the ground
Row for calories

“Finisher: Rope Climb Technique or
RX: 12 For time
Fx: 8 For time”

The May Challenge is here! It’s almost time for the Hero Wod “Murph” for the Memorial Day WOD. What better way to prepare than to practice your Cindy Strategy. As a community lets see how many Rounds of Cindy we can do for the month.
1 Round of Cindy:
5 Pull Ups
10 Push ups
15 Air Squats
Add your rounds up on the Community Goals section of the Goals Board. (please write neatly)
Challenge yourself with Strict,weighted, banded, ring rows. whatever it takes. Coaches can play too!


The first Thursday is upon us. This session is for everyone! Are you a runner that doesn’t strength train, a lifter with no conditioning or just looking for a workout. These sessions will be comprised of Interval training, Strength training, dynamic/explosive drills and technique. Come out and train! Please reserve you space if you are not a CrossFit Route 7 member and arrive 15:00 prior to complete our waiver.


Find Heaviest Overhead Complex:
3 Push Press + 5 Push Jerks

AMRAP 3 x 3
10 Burpees
10 Thrusters 95/65, Fx:75/55
10 Pull Ups
* Rest 1:00 between AMRAPs
*Start where left off”


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