2 x 3 @70%, 3 @75%, 2@ 80, 3 x 1 @85%
*Not Touch and go reps
*Athletes should receive the bar in the squat
3 Rounds for total time:
American Kettlebell Swings 32/24
Hand Relase Push ups
Rest 2:00
2 x 3 @70%, 3 @75%, 2@ 80, 3 x 1 @85%
*Not Touch and go reps
*Athletes should receive the bar in the squat
3 Rounds for total time:
American Kettlebell Swings 32/24
Hand Relase Push ups
Rest 2:00
Join us today for a Free Class today at 11am!
Turn singles in to Doubles! Bring your rope or use ours as we work through progressions, skills and drills get that rope spinning the right way.
“31 Heroes”
8 thrusters, 155/105
6 rope climbs
11 box jumps, 30/24
*Teams of two, one buddy runs 400m with 45/25 pound plate and then take over work where your partner left off
Compare: 8/5/2017”
On August 6, 2011, a tragedy shook the military community and Americans everywhere. In a single instance, America lost 30 military service members, many of whom were members of the Navy SEAL community—and one military K9– when a CH-47 Chinook helicopter, call sign Extortion 17, was downed in Afghanistan.
In the wake of the unimaginable tragedy, a mission was born. Following the downing of Extortion 17, a fundraising WOD—hosted at more than 430 gyms around the country with more than 10,000 participants—raised $300,000 over a four-week period to support the 30 families affected. This prompted the organizers to create The 31Heroes Project to remember our fallen heroes and take care of their loved ones
All the bros will crush a WOD followed by (or perhaps incorporating) drinking whiskey or beer! Flip cup will be going down with a fitness twist.
Event is free but bring your own whiskey (and/or beer) and snacks! Feel free to invite any other bros – no experience necessary!
Turn singles in to Doubles! Bring your rope or use ours as we work through progressions, skills and drills get that rope spinning the right way.
3 x 9 (ME: Working Sets start at 65%)
Yoga with Kendra tonight at 7:45 pm. Free for CFR7 members and $10 drop in.
Check this out! Reasons why CrossFit Athletes need Yoga:
Strict Press:
3 x 9 (ME: Working Sets start at 65%)
4 Sets for Quality:
10 Barbell Rows
10 Deficit Push ups, Fx: Push Ups
20/17 Cal Row (sprint)
Rest 2:00
No score. Athletes choose challenging barbell row weight (should be able to go unbroken with quality movement and choose push-up deficit (some athletes should add reps so challenging)
All the bros will crush a WOD followed by (or perhaps incorporating) drinking whiskey or beer! Flip cup will be going down with a fitness twist.
Event is free but bring your own whiskey (and/or beer) and snacks! Feel free to invite any other bros – no experience necessary!
Turn singles in to Doubles! Bring your rope or use ours as we work through progressions, skills and drills get that rope spinning the right way.
Double Under Skills:
Rx: Flight Simulator
For Time
Unbroken Double-Unders
The pyramid rep scheme ascends from 5 to 50 (increments of 5), then back down to 5. Each set must be unbroken. Rope must stop moving before starting the next set. Rest as needed between sets. If a set is broken, athlete must start again from the beginning of that set. A single-under counts as a broken set.
4 Rounds for time:
20 Dumbbell Power Cleans 50/35, Fx:35/20 (alt. every 5 reps)
40 meter Suitcase Carry Lunge 50/35, Fx:35/20 (Alt hands 10m)
400 m Run