WOD / Events

CLOSED TODAY. No classes. and hope that you would take time to cheer on our Athletes and Coaches as they compete in the heart of D.C. It should be a beautiful day and plenty of Challenging WODs to watch.

Our Teams:

*Flex Appeal
*Melted Box Jumpers
*The “B” Team
*Lats, Tats and ass
*Team DILP (Dogs I like to Pet)

None Competing athletes or spectators are welcome to train at BCF


Box Schedule Update: Closed Saturday, June 9th. No classes. and hope that you would take time to cheer on our Athletes and Coaches as they compete in the heart of D.C. It should be a beautiful day and plenty of Challenging WODs to watch.

Our Teams:

*Flex Appeal
*Melted Box Jumpers
*The “B” Team
*Lats, Tats and ass
*Team DILP (Dogs I like to Pet)

None Competing athletes or spectators are welcome to train at BCF


EMOM 25:
Min 1: 5 Hang Power Cleans (ME, increase weight each round)
Min 2: 20 Hollow Rocks
Min 3: 20 Russian KBS 32/24, Fx: 24/16
Min 4: 15/10 AAB Cals
Min 5: 10 In place Front Rack Lunges (Across at challenging weight)
No score, work hard!

Box Schedule Update: Closed Saturday, June 9th. No classes. and hope that you would take time to cheer on our Athletes and Coaches as they compete in the heart of D.C. It should be a beautiful day and plenty of Challenging WODs to watch.

Our Teams:

*Flex Appeal
*Melted Box Jumpers
*The “B” Team
*Lats, Tats and ass
*Team DILP (Dogs I like to Pet)

None Competing athletes or spectators are welcome to train at BCF


High Hang Snatch
6 x 2 (A) @70-75%

6 x 1 High Hang Power Snatch + 1 Overhead Squat (A)

For Time: SPRINT!!!
36 T2B
12 Squat Snatches 155/105, Fx: 115/80

50 Hanging knee Raises
25 Hang Squat Snatches (athletes choice but challenge)

Box Schedule Update: Closed Saturday, June 9th. No classes. and hope that you would take time to cheer on our Athletes and Coaches as they compete in the heart of D.C. It should be a beautiful day and plenty of Challenging WODs to watch.

Our Teams:

*Flex Appeal
*Melted Box Jumpers
*The “B” Team
*Lats, Tats and ass
*Team DILP (Dogs I like to Pet)

None Competing athletes or spectators are welcome to train at BCF


Push Press:Find a heavy set of 5, then 3 x 5 at 85%
*Superset with :30-:45 Elbow plank for Woking Sets (3)


10 min AMRAP:
30 Double Unders
15 C2B Pull-ups Fx: Pull-ups
30 Double Unders
15 Ring Dips (high rings must be used for RX athletes)


Box Schedule Update: Closed Saturday, June 9th. No classes. and hope that you would take time to cheer on our Athletes and Coaches as they compete in the heart of D.C. It should be a beautiful day and plenty of Challenging WODs to watch.

Our Teams:

*Flex Appeal
*Melted Box Jumpers
*The “B” Team
*Lats, Tats and ass
*Team DILP (Dogs I like to Pet)


Partner WOD
For Time, one partner working at a time:
400m run with one 20/14 medball (both partners go run)
40 Deadlifts 275/185, Fx: 225/155
400m run with one 20/14 medball (both partners go run)
40 Power Cleans 185/125, Fx: 135/95
400m run with one 20/14 medball (both partners go run)
40 Synchro Barfacing Burpees
400m run with one 20/14 medball (both partners go run)
20 Rope Climbs
400m run with one 20/14 medball (both partners go run)
Rx+:315/205 and 225/155


3 Sets of:
10 Dragon Flags
20 Single Leg Glute Bridges (10L/10R)
20 Wall Angels


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