WOD / Events

**Important Announcement About 2018 Membership Agreements**

Due to the Thanksgiving holiday, we have extended the deadline to lock-in 2018 membership pricing through midnight on Thursday (the managers need enough time to input them into Zen Planner before they process at midnight on Dec 1st). Thanks to all the members who have locked into the 2018 rates and are committed to improving your fitness with CFR7 in 2019!!
Details below:
Free Double Under Clinic: December 1, 2018 @11:30AM

Double Unders are just a hop, skip and a jump away.  Probably one of the more frustrating skills and benchmarks an athlete hopes to gain proficiency in. Join us as we break down skills, drills, progressions and get some PRs.

This clinic is Free for all members. ($10 non member drop in)


5 Sets:
3 Push Press (ME)

5 RFT:
50 Double-Unders
30 Sit-ups

straight into…

40 Single-Arm DB Shoulder to Overhead, alternating every 10 reps (50/35, Fx: 35/20)

**Important Announcement About 2018 Membership Agreements**

Due to the Thanksgiving holiday, we have extended the deadline to lock-in 2018 membership pricing through midnight on Thursday (the managers need enough time to input them into Zen Planner before they process at midnight on Dec 1st). Thanks to all the members who have locked into the 2018 rates and are committed to improving your fitness with CFR7 in 2019!!
Details below:
Free Double Under Clinic: December 1, 2018 @11:30AM

Double Unders are just a hop, skip and a jump away.  Probably one of the more frustrating skills and benchmarks an athlete hopes to gain proficiency in. Join us as we break down skills, drills, progressions and get some PRs.

This clinic is Free for all members. ($10 non member drop in)


Rx+ (athletes with at least 10 unbroken Ring MU):
5 Rounds
3-5 Strict Ring MU + 3-5 Kipping Ring MU
2:00 rest after each set

Rx: (athletes with 5 – 10 unbroken Ring MU)
5 Rounds
3 Kip Swings + 3 Muscle Ups with extra strict ring dip on each rep
2:00 rest after each set
Athletes may increase number of MU to 4-6 if appropriate

5 Rounds
5 False Grip Ring Rows with feet elevated
5 False Grip kip swings on the high rings
5 Dynamic Low Ring MU transitions with 2 ring dips after each transition
Rest 2:00 after each set

Buy-in: 6 Rounds of:
200m Run
6 Overhead Squats 135/95 (Fx: 95/65) (Rx+: 155/105)

In remaining time AMRAP:
2 Burpees
2 Pistols, alternating (Fx: weighted lunges 24/16)
4 Burpees
4 Pistols, alternating

**Important Announcement About 2018 Membership Agreements**

Due to the Thanksgiving holiday, we have extended the deadline to lock-in 2018 membership pricing through midnight on Thursday (the managers need enough time to input them into Zen Planner before they process at midnight on Dec 1st). Thanks to all the members who have locked into the 2018 rates and are committed to improving your fitness with CFR7 in 2019!!
Details below:
Free Double Under Clinic: December 1, 2018 @11:30AM

Double Unders are just a hop, skip and a jump away.  Probably one of the more frustrating skills and benchmarks an athlete hopes to gain proficiency in. Join us as we break down skills, drills, progressions and get some PRs.

This clinic is Free for all members. ($10 non member drop in)


Overview of Week:
Monday: Power Cleans
Tuesday: Ring muscle-ups
Wednesday: Push Press
Thursday: Back Squats
Friday: Handstand Push-ups
Saturday: Deadlift
Sunday: Power Snatches


E2MOM 14 Minutes
3 Touch and Go Power Cleans (ME)

For time:
45 Thrusters 115/80 (Fx: 95/65)
45 C2B Pull-ups (Fx: Pull-ups)


Free Double Under Clinic: December 1, 2018 @11:30AM

Double Unders are just a hop, skip and a jump away.  Probably one of the more frustrating skills and benchmarks an athlete hopes to gain proficiency in. Join us as we break down skills, drills, progressions and get some PRs.

This clinic is Free for all members. ($10 non member drop in)



Run 1000m
5 Rope Climbs
10 T2B/Bar Muscle Ups (Fx: T2B/C2B)*

*Complete Alternating T2B with BMU or C2B for 10 reps of each. Two movements must be completed without coming off of pull up bar for a rep to count.

Free Double Under Clinic: December 1, 2018 @11:30AM

Double Unders are just a hop, skip and a jump away.  Probably one of the more frustrating skills and benchmarks an athlete hopes to gain proficiency in. Join us as we break down skills, drills, progressions and get some PRs.

This clinic is Free for all members. ($10 non member drop in)



Back Squat

4 Rounds
20/17 Cal Row (Fx: 15/12)
7 Power Cleans @80% of Power Clean 1RM

Record slowest time to complete the round.

1 458 459 460 461 462 743

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