WOD / Events

We had an awesome weekend with the close of our weightlifting seminar and an outstanding showing of CrossFit Route 7 teams competing at Superfit DC. 4 podium finishes with the majority of the teams making it into the final WOD. Outstanding weekend athletes.


Join us Saturday, October 6th, 9 and 10 am WOD for our Farewell WOD for Coach Nicole: She will be missed!!!


Saturday, October 6th at 11:30 am Free Kipping Pull ups clinic. This clinic is to help improve the coordination and timing of the kipping movement. The kip is an advance and dynamic method to increase intensity in Bar Gymnastics. Toes 2 bar, Knees to elbow, pull ups, chest 2 bar pull ups and Bar Muscle ups.

Reserve your spot on Zen Planner today! Kip it!


Overview of week:
Monday: Front Squats
Tuesday: Kipping Pull up Technique
Wednesday: Push Press
Thursday: Hang Clean and Jerk complex
Friday: Deadlifts
Saturday: Snatches
Sunday: Split Jerks


Front Squat:
Build to heavy triple from ground*
*beginners go from the racks

20 min.

200m Run
10 Front Squats at 60% of Triple
10 Burpees Over Bar

“4 Rounds, not for time, for quality (take ~20 minutes to complete)
15/12 Calorie Bike
21 Weighted Sit-ups (45/25)
100’ Bear Crawl
50’ Handstand Walk or 20 Shoulder Taps
Rest 1-2 minutes between rounds

“2 Rounds of:
25 KBS (24/16 KG)
15 Toes-to-Bar

straight into…

40 KB Snatches, alternating (24/16 KG)”

Come out this Saturday to support our teams competing at SuperFit DC! This is a 2 Person Team Event at Trident CrossFit!

“Team Strong Puppy Lovers”: Addie and Karoline; “Fantastic Gymnastics”: Steve and Liza, “The best of both worlds”: Ed and Darrell, “Extra well rounded”: Max and Cooper, “White Girl Whey-sted: (that’s a good name) Crystal and Kristen,  “Weight Night”: Brian and Barret  and “Louisville Hush Money”: Peter and Mike



Power Clean + 2 Split Jerks
5 sets (ME)
20 min.

12 min AMRAP:
12 Power Cleans (135/95) (Fx 115/80)
12 Pull-ups
50 Double Unders
5/3 Strict HSPU (Fx: Kipping HSPU)

Come out this Saturday to support our teams competing at SuperFit DC! This is a 2 Person Team Event at Trident CrossFit!

“Team Strong Puppy Lovers”: Addie and Karoline; “Fantastic Gymnastics”: Steve and Liza, “The best of both worlds”: Ed and Darrell, “Extra well rounded”: Max and Cooper, “White Girl Whey-sted: (that’s a good name) Crystal and Kristen,  “Weight Night”: Brian and Barret and “Louisville Hush Money”: Peter and Mike




Back Squat
5 x 5@75-80% (A)

3 Sets, not for time:
200m Suitcase Carry (one KB – switch sides at 100m)
200m Front Rack Carry (one KB – switch sides at 100m)
Single Leg Cross Body RDL w/ KB x 20 reps (10 each arm)
Plank (forearms) x :60
Rest as needed between movements

Yoga with Kendra tonight at 7:45 pm. Free for CFR7 members and $10 drop in.

Check this out! Reasons why  CrossFit Athletes need Yoga: https://www.puori.com/blog/2015/12/01/yoga-for-crossfit#


2 Hang Snatch + 2 Overhead Squat
1 @70%, 1 @75%, 3 sets 80%
*% based on snatch 1RM


3 RFT:
400m Run
25 Wall-Balls 20/14, Fx: 15 Wall-Balls
7 Burpee Bar Muscle-ups, Fx: Burpee C2B Pull-ups

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