BCF/CFR7 Nationals game May 18th!!! Make sure you reserve and purchase your spot. Tickets are $23 (scoreboard pavilion section) and tickets include a free beer. Friends are welcome. Members need to reserve their space by sending money via Venmo or PayPal to [email protected] or [email protected] via PayPal (be sure to choose sending money to a friend so no fees!) or giving $23 to Coach Brock or Coach BJ
Payments for tickets are due by today, Monday, May 6th.
This promises to be an amazing time with our awesome box communities!
We will be sitting in the scoreboard pavilion area (and hanging at that bar)
Overview of the Week
Monday: Back Squats
Tuesday: Snatch Complex
Wednesday: Deadlift
Thursday: Push Press
Friday: Cardio+Core
Saturday: DT
Sunday: Partner MetCon
Back Squat:
E4MOM 20
Set 1: 6@70-75%
Set 2: 6@70-75%
Set 3: 6@75-80%
Set 4: 6@75-80%
Set 5: 6@80-85%
500m Row
50 Russian Kettlebell Swings (32/24) (Fx: 24/16)
100m Kettlebell Suitcase Carry (32/24) (Fx: 24/16)