WOD / Events


Thursday, July 12, 2018

3 Sets – with light/warm-up loads of:
Double KB Stagger Legged Dead-lift x 20 reps (10 with each leg forward)
Rest as needed
Glute-bridge w/ 1 second hold at top x 12 reps
Rest as needed


Every 5:00 for 30:00 (6 sets) of:
400m Run
8 Dead-lifts 315/225, Fx: 225/155
12 C2B Pull-ups, Fx: Pull-ups

3 sets of:
Barbell Curl x 10 reps


Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Ring Muscle-ups
20 Minutes skill score/technique practice, to include:

Muscle up technique progressions (if athlete has requesite strength of 5 strict pull-ups and ring dips)


Accumulate 40 reps of the following:
Strict Pull-ups
Rest as needed
Strict Ring Dips
*Rest as needed

Advanced Athletes:
For Max Reps (18 minutes):
3 Sets of:
:90 on / :90 off
Ring Muscle-ups

3 Sets of:
:60 on / :120 off
Ring Muscle-ups

Record total reps completed

KBS (32/24) Fx = 24/16
Box Jumps 24/20


Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Week 2 of Nutrition Knowledge is here! Enjoy. Summer Sizzle Blog 2.  Last week we walked through how to understand nutrition labels, ingredient lists, product marketing, and words to look for and avoid; all of this has made you an educated consumer. By now you should be reading these carefully and understand the real nutrition behind the label (and may be shocked by what you have found!). Remember, quality, quality, quality.


Front Squat
4 Super-Sets of:
Front Squat x 8 reps (start at 65% and build over the course of 4 sets)
Handstand Walk x 25 feet (scale = 25 shoulder taps against wall or: 30 handstand hold)

Every 2:00 for 14:00 (7 sets) of:
36 Double-Unders
9 Toes-to-Bar
3 Power Cleans (athletes choice)*

*Score = Heaviest Set of 3 Power Cleans Completed


Monday, July 9, 2018

FREE CLASS tonight at 6:30 pm. Come see how our gym get results! Then save $25 on our Foundations course, 4 Classes for $74!
Week 2 of Nutrition Knowledge is here! Enjoy. Summer Sizzle Blog 2.  Last week we walked through how to understand nutrition labels, ingredient lists, product marketing, and words to look for and avoid; all of this has made you an educated consumer. By now you should be reading these carefully and understand the real nutrition behind the label (and may be shocked by what you have found!). Remember, quality, quality, quality.


Strength/Skill Schedule:
Monday: Bench Press
Tuesday: Front Squat
Wednesday: Muscle Ups
Thursday: Posterior Chaing Accessory and Triplet Intervals
Friday: Overhead Complex
Saturday: Hero Wod “Manion”
Sunday: Rope Climbs, Dubs and Box Jumps


4 Super-Sets of:
Bench Press x 10 reps (A @~70%)
Strict Pull-ups x 8-12 reps (Rx+ = L-Pull-ups)
Rest 2 minutes between sets

4 RFT:
2 Rope Climbs
15 Burpees
18/15-Calorie Row (RX+ = Assault Bike)



Sunday, July 8, 2018

1 Round for time every 5:00 for 30:00 (6 sets)*:
18/15 Calorie Row
200m Run
10 Hang Power Snatch 115/80 Fx : 95/65
10 Overhead Squats 115/80 Fx: 95/65

*Score = slowest round

3 Sets of:
:60 Plank Hold
:60 Frog Stretch
:60 Hollow-Hold
:60 Rest


Saturday, July 7, 2018

Join us today for a Free Class! https://crossfitroute7.com/try-us-for-free/

4 sets of:
Floor Seated Dumbbell Press x 10 reps
Rest :60
Ring Dips x max reps
Rest :60

3 x AMRAP 5:
5 C2B Pull-ups (Fx = Pull-ups)
10 Push-ups
15 Russian KBS (32/24) Fx = 24/16

Rest 2 minutes and repeat 2 more times (start on the rep where you left off in the previous round); score for total reps of all 3 AMRAPs


Friday, July 6, 2018

Find a max load of each lift:
From minutes 0-7:00 find a 3 RM Hang Power Clean
From minutes 7:00-14:00 = 1 Hang Squat Clean + 1 Front Squat
From minutes 14:00-21:00 = 1 RM Squat Clean

*Each 7 minutes segment is not for reps. Advanced Athletes should approach with a strategy that allows for 3-4 Max load attempts

3-6-9-12 etc…
Box Jump Overs (24/20”)

Coaches choice finisher


Thursday, July 5, 2018

Yoga with Kendra tonight at 7:45 pm. Free for CFR7 members and $10 drop in.

Check this out! Reasons why  CrossFit Athletes need Yoga: https://www.puori.com/blog/2015/12/01/yoga-for-crossfit#


Split Jerk Technique (12 minutes)
Rest 1-2 minutes between sets
This is for Technique / Position. Work on speed and do not exceed 50% of 1 RM

Strict Press From Split (20 minutes)
Rest 2 minutes between sets
Build over the course of 5 sets

EMOM 10:
Odd: 20 Wall Balls 20/14, Fx : 15 Wall Balls
Even: Max Kipping HSPU
Score = total HSPU completed


Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Happy 4th of July for CrossFit Route 7!

Welcome to our Summer Sizzle Nutrition Blog Series. Over the nex 5 weeks we’re going to take you through a broad nutrition education program that will help you make informed decisions, understand your food, learn how the food you eat affects your body and progress, and help you to look and feel great. If you have trouble with food choices, are looking to improve your sleep quality, have more energy throughout the day, improve your digestion, and be more in tune with your body, this is for you.

Blogs will be posted weekly to combat information overload. The goal is to provide a simple, effective source of nutrition material that sets you up for both short and long-term success. Nutrition is the foundation on which you build your future health and well-being!


Cash-in: 800m run w/ partner (carry one medball 20/14)

7 Rounds, with a partner:
4 Deadlift 315/205# Fx = 245/165#
17 Burpees
76 Double-Unders

Cash-out: 800m run w/ partner (carry one medball 20/14)