WOD / Events

***NO 5:30PM Tonight:: CFR7 is having community outreach WOD for a local company. Feel free to invite your friends to join in on this event. We will be working out from 5:00-6:30 pm. The 6:30 Wod and 7:30 open gym are still in play!***

***No Wods or Open Gym this weekend due to the B&R Open. Feel free to workout at BCF, allow yourself 15 minutes or more to find parking. We are looking for a couple of Volunteers to collect spectator fees at the door. If you have never seen an Olympic Weightlifting meet here is your chance.***

Coach, Should I do RX or FX programming? Good Question. For Strength, if you have time under tension with the lifts, competent and confident in movement, form and technique then you can perform the Strength portion at the RX level. If you are new to lifting or form, technique and safety is your priority then you should perform the strength movements as FX. For the conditioning; do you have the movements and the load or difficulty of the movement down packed. Can you go Fast! If you perform FX Wods and have the top scores then it’s time to move to the next level. Starting over is fun but hard! When in doubt, ask your coach.


Fitness & Performance
“The BCF WoD”
5 chest to bar pull ups
5 ring dips
15 air squats
*Fitness should do strict pull ups w/ band if chest to bar is unable to be performed.
**Compare to 2/15/2015

***NO THURSDAY 5:30PM THIS WEEK: CFR7 is having community outreach WOD for a local company. Feel free to invite your friends to join in on this event. We will be working out from 5:00-6:30 pm. The 6:30 Wod and 7:30 open gym are still in play!***

***No Wods or Open Gym this weekend due to the B&R Open. Feel free to workout at BCF, allow yourself 15 minutes or more to find parking. We are looking for a couple of Volunteers to collect spectator fees at the door. If you have never seen an Olympic Weightlifting meet here is your chance.***

Coach, Should I do RX or FX programming? Good Question. For Strength, if you have time under tension with the lifts, competent and confident in movement, form and technique then you can perform the Strength portion at the RX level. If you are new to lifting or form, technique and safety is your priority then you should perform the strength movements as FX. For the conditioning; do you have the movements and the load or difficulty of the movement down packed. Can you go Fast! If you perform FX Wods and have the top scores then it’s time to move to the next level. Starting over is fun but hard! When in doubt, ask your coach.


Fitness & performance:
Ring rows, 4 sets of max reps

Fitness (FX):
4 rounds for time:
Run 400m
10 Power Snatches, 95/65
10 burpees

Performance (RX):
4 rounds for time:
Run 400m
10 Power Snatches, 115/80
10 burpees

Free class tonight at 6:30 pm. Bring your friends (no CF experience required)!

***NO THURSDAY 5:30PM THIS WEEK: CFR7 is having community outreach WOD for a local company. Feel free to invite your friends to join in on this event. We will be working out from 5:00-6:30 pm. The 6:30 Wod and 7:30 open gym are still in play!***

***No Wods or Open Gym this weekend due to the B&R Open. Feel free to workout at BCF, allow yourself 15 minutes or more to find parking. We are looking for a couple of Volunteers to collect spectator fees at the door. If you have never seen an Olympic Weightlifting meet here is your chance.***

Coach, Should I do RX or FX programming? Good Question. For Strength, if you have time under tension with the lifts, competent and confident in movement, form and technique then you can perform the Strength portion at the RX level. If you are new to lifting or form, technique and safety is your priority then you should perform the strength movements as FX. For the conditioning; do you have the movements and the load or difficulty of the movement down packed. Can you go Fast! If you perform FX Wods and have the top scores then it’s time to move to the next level. Starting over is fun but hard! When in doubt, ask your coach.


Fitness & performance:
Deadlifts, 5×2 (A; 90-93%)

Toes to bar
Push press, 95/65
*50 double unders after each round.

Performance (FX):
Toes to bar
Push press, 115/80
*50 double unders after each round.

***NO THURSDAY 5:30PM THIS WEEK: CFR7 is having community outreach WOD for a local company. 6:30 Wod and 7:30 open gym are still in play!***

***No Wods or Open Gym this weekend due to the B&R Open. Feel free to workout at BCF. We are looking for a couple of Volunteers to collect spectator fees at the door. If you have never seen an Olympic Weightlifting meet here is your chance.***


Fitness (FX):
Back squat, 3×10 (A)

Performance (RX):
Back squat, 3×10 (ME)

Fitness & performance:
15 goblet squats (Rx: 32/24; Fx: 24/16)
15 push-ups
15 box jumps, 24/20
Run 200m

Black and Red Barbell meets at 9:00-1200. Open gym from 9:00-1200

TODAY! Great way to meet new friends (and bring your own friends!): Sunday, July 12, 2015 – BCF Sunday Funday!

LAST CALL (need to buy the tickets): Friday, August 7, 2015 – BCF/CFR7 Washington Nationals Game


Yoga with Nina at Ballston Crossfit at 10am. Members of both boxes get free yoga ($10 for friends).

Good yoga article here.

BCF is located at 1110 N Glebe Arlington VA 22201. It is just 4 blocks from the Ballston Metro and also just 2 blocks from the Route 66 exits to Ballston (either Glebe Rd. westbound or Fairfax Dr. eastbound). If you drive, there is plenty of street parking within 2-3 blocks of BCF. There is parking on N. Vernon St. and Vermont Street on the other side of Glebe Rd. as well as parking available on N. Vernon St and 13th Street (these spaces are not zoned and open parking).

1 703 704 705 706 707 743

Upcoming Events