Push Press 4 x 6
4 rounds:
50 double unders*
15 push-ups
10 box jumps Rx: 32/24 Fx: 24/20
200m run
*Rx athletes: 5 push-up penalty if you don’t go unbroken (can be completed with the other push-ups)
Push Press 4 x 6
4 rounds:
50 double unders*
15 push-ups
10 box jumps Rx: 32/24 Fx: 24/20
200m run
*Rx athletes: 5 push-up penalty if you don’t go unbroken (can be completed with the other push-ups)
**Black and Red Barbell will be transitioning into their new location this week (right behind us). The CFR7 family would to wish them all the success and gains in their journey. To assist in a smooth transition we will not have Open gym this weekend (Saturday and Sunday) so that the team can optimize their equipment transfer. CFR7 members are welcome and encouraged to utilize Open Gym times at BCF until open gym hours return. Congratulations again on B&R Barbell’s new venture.**
“Fitness & performance:
10 rounds for time:
Run 200m
7 chest to bar pull ups
7 front squats, 135/95
7 handstand pushups
Compare to 10/25/14 and 10/12/12″
**Black and Red Barbell will be transitioning into their new location this week (right behind us). The CFR7 family would to wish them all the success and gains in their journey. To assist in a smooth transition we will not have Open gym this weekend (Saturday and Sunday) so that the team can optimize their equipment transfer. CFR7 members are welcome and encouraged to utilize Open Gym times at BCF until open gym hours return. Congratulations again on B&R Barbell’s new venture.**
Thrusters (cleaning from the ground)
5×3 ME
For Time:
60 Cal Row
50 Thrusters 95/65
FX: 65/45
Finisher: HaHaHa, you don’t want to know.
***YES!!!There is open gym tonight!***
**Black and Red Barbell will be transitioning into their new location this week (right behind us). The CFR7 family would to wish them all the success and gains in their journey. To assist in a smooth transition we will not have Open gym this weekend (Saturday and Sunday) so that the team can optimize their equipment transfer. CFR7 members are welcome and encouraged to utilize Open Gym times at BCF until open gym hours return. Congratulations again on B&R Barbell’s new venture.**
Bench Press 4 x 2 (5-10lbs Heavier from last week)
Deadlift 275/185
Box Jumps 32/24
Fx: 225/155, 24/20
**Black and Red Barbell will be transitioning into their new location this week (right behind us). The CFR7 family would to wish them all the success and gains in their journey. To assist in a smooth transition we will not have Open gym this week so that the team can optimize their equipment transfer. CFR7 members are welcome and encouraged to utilize Open Gym times at BCF until open gym hours return. Congratulations again on B&R Barbell’s new venture.**
H-A double L-O-W- double E N (Spells Halloween!!) 👻Grab your Halloween costume and WOD partner for CFR7 Halloween WOD. It’s going to be a Spoooooky-tacular themed WOD with a fun Halloween twist! Note: This fun-filled WOD is available to all AM/PM classes!