WOD / Events

***Hop on the early bird special of $75 for the Nutrition Challenge. You have 1 day to save $25. Sign-up through Zen Planner or on our website (Click here to register)***

Holiday Schedule:

Thursday 10 am WOD

Friday: Closed, Merry Christmas!

Saturday: 10 am WOD


Push Press
5 x 1 ME
then, 2 x 10-15 Band Tricep Extensions

15 Box Jumps 24/20
12 Push Press 115/80
9 Deadlifts 115/80

***Hop on the early bird special of $75 for the Nutrition Challenge. You have 2 days to save $25. Sign-up through Zen Planner or on our website (Click here to register)***

Holiday Schedule:

Thursday 10 am WOD

Friday: Closed, Merry Christmas!

Saturday: 10 am WOD


Double Under Practice
3 ATTEMPTS at Max UB Double Unders

Pet RockPartner Wod:
For Time:
150 WBS 20/14
75 Power Snatches 75/55
30 Clean & Jerks 135/95
2K row
Partner 1 works/ Partner 2 Holds 1 KB24/16 FX 16/12 in the
Front Rack Position. Share the work as desired.


Finisher: skin the cats


Up and Running!!! CrossFit Route 7, 2.0 is ready to go. Located on the opposite side of the original box. Members can park alongside the building (not the grass side) or in the parking spaces at the end of the building. Look for the CrossFit Route 7 A-Frames.

***Sorry, No showers just yet***


High Hang Cleans (High pocket of the hip/ Full Squat)
6 x 2 (A)

Clusters 95/65, FX 75/55

UPDATE: We do not need any additional help today (Friday 18) – No 5:30 pm, or 6:30 pm. 
Saturday – closed and no help needed (garage door installation and we are cutting mats and finishing installing the rubber matting throughout the box).
Sunday – please join us from 12 – 2pm (may only take an hour if enough people come) to relocate all of our equipment into their new locations!
Monday – we’ll be up and running but noon WOD is cancelled.

5 x 3 (A)*
*5-10# heavier than last week

4 Rounds For time:
10 Pistols, FX Reverse Lunges
15 Hang Power Snatches 115/80; FX 95/65
20 Double Unders

1 671 672 673 674 675 742

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