WOD / Events

Turkish get ups
3 x 10 (A: 5 each side)

Bench Mark Wod:

Double unders

Handstand Finisher:
RX: Accumulate 4:00 Free Handstand hold
Fx: handstand practice with a partner

Free CrossFit Tonight at 6:30 pm. No CrossFit Experience needed. Bring a friend and sign up HERE:


We will be offering open gym on Monday, Wednesday and Fridays at noon. Please remember that the WOD takes precedence of the Rig or equipment if needed for the workout. Please use crash mats if you are dropping weights and try to plan your conditioning around the natural noise of the days workout as to not take away from the instruction of the coach. Thanks and enjoy!


Strict Press:
Find Heavy Double

5 Rounds for time:
3 Muscle Ups, FX: 3 pull-ups and 3 ring dips
5 Power Cleans 135/95, Fx: 95/65
7 Front Squats 135/95, Fx: 95/65

Congratulations to all the athletes that competed at Flex on the Mall 2017 this week. Thank you to everyone who came out to support the CFR7 and BCF communities.


We will be offering open gym on Monday, Wednesday and Fridays at noon. Please remember that the WOD takes precedence of the Rig or equipment if needed for the workout. Please use crash mats if you are dropping weights and try to plan your conditioning around the natural noise of the days workout as to not take away from the instruction of the coach. Thanks and enjoy!


Strength for the week
Monday: Deadlift
Tuesday: Strict Press
Wednesday: Turkish Get-ups and “Annie”
Thursday: Power Snatch
Friday: Back Squat
Saturday: Clean
Sunday: Push Press


EMOM 10:
2 Deadlifts at 90% of 5Rm

20 min AMRAP:
20 Kettlebell Swings 32/24 Fx: 24/16
20 Atomic Sit-ups w medball 20/14, Fx: Situps
20m bear crawl
200m run with medball

Happy Father’s Day to all the Route 7 dads and Fathers around the world!


Great reads. CrossFit and Yoga need one another: http://zusayoga.com/yogaandcrossfit/


Starting Monday, June 19. We will be offering open gym on Monday, Wednesday and Fridays at noon. Please remember that the WOD takes precedence of the Rig or equipment if needed for the workout. Please use crash mats if you are dropping weights and try to plan your conditioning around the natural noise of the days workout as to not take away from the instruction of the coach. Thanks and enjoy!


EMOM 18:
1: 20m OH Walking Lunges with a MB 20/14
2: 10 Box Jumps (BCF:32/26) 30/24, Fx: 24/20
3: Ring Dips (choose a challenging number of reps)

5 Rounds for time:
8 Toes to Bar
8 Push Ups
8 Power Snatches 95/65, Fx: 75/55

Come out to Flex on the Mall Today! Support our CFR7 and BCF teams competing this weekend. Teams 24 kilo thrusters in the air, Swole Patrol, and Lats, tats and Ass will be representing the Route 7 community.


Update Schedule: Starting Monday, June 19. We will be offering open gym on Monday, Wednesday and Fridays at noon. Please remember that the WOD takes precedence of the Rig or equipment if needed for the workout. Please use crash mats if you are dropping weights and try to plan your conditioning around the natural noise of the days workout as to not take away from the instruction of the coach. Thanks and enjoy!


Front Squat:
5 x 5 (ME)
*working sets begin at 75% of 5 RM

6 Chest to Bar Pull Ups, Fx: Pull Ups
6 Hand Stand Push Ups
36 Double Unders

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