WOD / Events

No Yoga Sunday, October 8, 2017. CFR7 members can attend the BCF Yoga class at 10 am. Open Gym from 11-noon.


Shoulder MOBILITY WORKSHOP Tuesday, October 10 at 6:15 pm

Join AIRROSTI’s Dr. Justin Bryant for an interactive workshop where you’ll learn specific exercises and techniques to help prevent pain and enhance athletic performance. Through guided instruction, you’ll discover new ways to strengthen and stretch, while improving mobility and stability. Plus, get your pain and injury prevention questions answered by an Airrosti Provider.


Bench Press
3 x 10

Barbell roll-outs
3 x 10

4 x 500 m row sprints
rest 2:00

Record total time (including the 6 min of rest time)

Shoulder MOBILITY WORKSHOP Tuesday, October 10 at 6:15 pm

Join AIRROSTI’s Dr. Justin Bryant for an interactive workshop where you’ll learn specific exercises and techniques to help prevent pain and enhance athletic performance. Through guided instruction, you’ll discover new ways to strengthen and stretch, while improving mobility and stability. Plus, get your pain and injury prevention questions answered by an Airrosti Provider.


No Yoga Sunday, October 8, 2017. CFR7 members can attend the BCF Yoga class at 10 am.


Strict Press 3 x 7 (ME)

Every 4:00 for 24:00 Perform:
400m run
10 Pull ups
10 Box Jumps 24/20
10 Ring Dips

Shoulder MOBILITY WORKSHOP Tuesday, October 10 at 6:15 pm

Join AIRROSTI’s Dr. Justin Bryant for an interactive workshop where you’ll learn specific exercises and techniques to help prevent pain and enhance athletic performance. Through guided instruction, you’ll discover new ways to strengthen and stretch, while improving mobility and stability. Plus, get your pain and injury prevention questions answered by an Airrosti Provider.


No Yoga Sunday, October 8, 2017. CFR7 members can attend the BCF Yoga class at 10 am.


Rope climb technique

Team Rope Climbs:
RX: 30 Climbs for time
Fx: 20 For time

Remember tall socks for leg protection!

Death By:
Power Clean and Jerk 135/95, Fx: 95/65

*starting at 1 rep. Increase rep by 1 each movement EMOM until unsuccessful
*6:00 Minimum
*Once out, 10 burpees each round until all athletes have finished


Optional Finisher:
For time:
RX+: 500 double unders
RX: 400 double unders
FX: 250 double unders

Overhead Squat
3 x 5 (ME)
*Superset with 10 Jumping Air Squats
*From the Rack

2-4-6-8-10, etc until end of AMRAP
Hang Power Snatch 115/80, Fx: 95/65
Handstand Push Ups, Fx: 1 abmat

RX+ with 135/95, deficit HSPU

No Yoga Sunday, October 8, 2017. CFR7 members can attend the BCF Yoga class at 10 am.



Ring Muscle Up Technique

RX: 5 min AMRAP of Max Muscle Ups

Slow and controlled movement to build strength and to work on proper positions. In order: – Negatives – Pull & Pause – Pull & Transition – Pull, Transition, Support


U.S. Marine Corps Sergeant John Rankel, 23, of Speedway, Indiana, assigned to 3rd Battalion, 1st Marine Regiment, 1st Marine Division, 1 Marine Expeditionary Force, based out of Camp Pendleton, California, was killed on June 7, 2010, while supporting combat operations in Helmand Province, Afghanistan. He is survived by mother and stepfather Don and Trisha Stockhoff; father and stepmother, Kevin and Kim Rankel; and brothers Nathan Stockhoff and Tyler Rankel.

20 Minute AMRAP:
6 DL (225/155)
7 Burpee Pull-ups
10 KB Swings (32/24)
200m Run
*compare 12/5/2015


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