WOD / Events

Get ready for CF Open WOD 18.1 night. After you register for the Open, come to the box Thursday night, February 22 at 8 pm for the Open Announcement.. Only Dave Castro knows what the workouts will be but you can win a FREE T-Shirt if you guess is close.

No Yoga at at 7:30 pm but there will be Open Gym available.


Saturday, February 24, from 4-7 pm. Test your fitness! We going to have a good time at Bowl America Falls Church. Bring your family and lets see whose got skills. Spread the word!

Address: 140 S Maple Ave, Falls Church, VA 22046


Front Squat:
10-8-6-4-2 (ascending)
*Rest as needed

5 x 5 (Across)

8 Box Jumps 30/24, Fx: 24/20 (BCF 32/26)
6 Deadlifts 315/220, Fx: 225/150
400m Run

CFR7 New You:
10 Box Jumps 20/12
10 Deadlifts (Coaches recommendation)
300 M Run

Get ready for CF Open WOD 18.1 night. After you register for the Open, come to the box Thursday night, February 22 at 8 pm for the Open Announcement.. Only Dave Castro knows what the workouts will be but you can win a FREE T-Shirt if you guess is close.

No Yoga at at 7:30 pm but there will be Open Gym available.


Saturday, February 24, from 4-7 pm. Test your fitness! We going to have a good time at Bowl America Falls Church. Bring your family and lets see whose got skills. Spread the word!

Address: 140 S Maple Ave, Falls Church, VA 22046


Hang Power Cleans:
10:00 to find a Heavy set of 3
Then 3 by Max Reps at 85%

Beginner: 8 x 3 (Across)

*Athletes: Focus on Cycling Speed

Dumbbell Snatches 50/35, Fx:35/20
Burpees over Dumbbelll (2018 Open standard)


Get ready for CF Open WOD 18.1 night. After you register for the Open, come to the box Thursday night, February 22 at 8 pm for the Open Announcement.. Only Dave Castro knows what the workouts will be but you can win a FREE T-Shirt if you guess is close.

No Yoga at at 7:30 pm but there will be Open Gym available.


Saturday, February 24, from 4-7 pm. Test your fitness! We going to have a good time at Bowl America Falls Church. Bring your family and lets see whose got skills. Spread the word!

Address: 140 S Maple Ave, Falls Church, VA 22046


Strength/Skill Schedule:
Monday: Push Jerk / Nurtirion WOD Retest
Tuesday: Hang Power Cleans/ 18.Zero
Wednesday: Front Squat
Thursday: Bench, BB Row/ Tabata
Friday: OPEN WOD 18.1
Saturday: Pull ups and Handstand Push up
Sunday: Push Press


Push Jerk:
10:00 to find a Heavy set of 3
Then 3 by Max Reps at 85%

Beginner: 8 x 3 (Across)

Athletes: Focus on Cycling Speed

Nutrition Benchmark test (compare to Jan 15, 2018):

On a running clock:

From 0-12:00, AMRAP 12:
6 Front Squats (155/105#) Fx = 115/75#
8 C2B Pull-ups (Fx = pull-ups or ring-rows)
40 Double-Unders
Rest 3 minutes then when the clock reaches 15:00…

1 Max Set Unbroken Wall-Balls (20/14#)*

*Record two scores, Reps for AMRAP and Max Unbroken Set of Wall-Balls

Just a week away from CF Open WOD 18.1 night. After you register for the Open, come to the box Thursday night, February 22 at 8 pm for the Open Announcement.. Only Dave Castro knows what the workouts will be but you can win a FREE T-Shirt if you guess is close.

No Yoga at at 7:30 pm but there will be Open Gym available.


Every :90 for 15:00
Perform 1 Power Clean + 1 Hang Power Clean
*Increase Weight every set

Every :90 for 15:00
Perform 3 Hang Power Cleans (Across)

Push Press 115/80, Fx: 95/65
Toes to bar, Fx: Abmat Sit ups

RX+ 135/95

Free CrossFit Today at 11:30 am. No CrossFit Experience needed. Bring a friend and sign up HERE:


Just a week away from CF Open WOD 18.1 night. After you register for the Open, come to the box Thursday night, February 22 at 8 pm for the Open Announcement.. Only Dave Castro knows what the workouts will be but you can win a FREE T-Shirt if you guess is close.

No Yoga at at 7:30 pm but there will be Open Gym available.


Establish a 1 Rep Max

Establish a 5 Rep Max

For time:
600 Meter MB Run 20/14
21 Burpees
18 Hang Power Cleans 135/95, Fx: 115/80
400 Meter MB Run 20/14
15 Burpees
12 Hang Power Cleans 135/95, Fx: 115/80
200 Meter MB Run 20/14
9 Burpees
6 Hang Power Cleans 135/95, Fx: 115/80


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