WOD / Events

10 am WOD and Open Gym only Wednesday, July 4th!


Welcome to our Summer Sizzle Nutrition Blog Series. Over the nex 5 weeks we’re going to take you through a broad nutrition education program that will help you make informed decisions, understand your food, learn how the food you eat affects your body and progress, and help you to look and feel great. If you have trouble with food choices, are looking to improve your sleep quality, have more energy throughout the day, improve your digestion, and be more in tune with your body, this is for you.

Blogs will be posted weekly to combat information overload. The goal is to provide a simple, effective source of nutrition material that sets you up for both short and long-term success. Nutrition is the foundation on which you build your future health and well-being!


Strength/Skill Schedule:
Monday: Back Squat
Tuesday: Benchmark “JT”
Wednesday: 4th of July WOD
Thursday: Split Jerk
Friday: Heavy Cleans
Saturday:Pressing strength
Sunday: Intervals


Back Squat: 
4 Sets of 8 (@ 65-75%)
Rest as needed

Max Effort Intervals of:
4 x 45 seconds of Rowing (for calories) RX+ = Bike
Rest 15 seconds

4 x 45 seconds of Sit-ups Rx+ = TTB/GHD
Rest 15 seconds


4 x 45 seconds of KBS 24/16 kg Rx+ = 32/24
Rest 15 seconds


4 x 45 seconds of Jumping Lunges
Rest 15 seconds

10 am WOD and Open Gym only Wednesday, July 4th!


Get ready for our Summer Sizzle Nutrition Blog Series. Over 5 weeks starting Monday, July 2nd, we’re going to take you through a broad nutrition education program that will help you make informed decisions, understand your food, learn how the food you eat affects your body and progress, and help you to look and feel great. If you have trouble with food choices, are looking to improve your sleep quality, have more energy throughout the day, improve your digestion, and be more in tune with your body, this is for you.

Blogs will be posted weekly to combat information overload. The goal is to provide a simple, effective source of nutrition material that sets you up for both short and long-term success. Nutrition is the foundation on which you build your future health and well-being!


50/35 Calorie Row Buy in:
Then 5 Rounds
10 Box Jumps Overs 30/24, Fx: 24/20
12 Handstand Push ups, Fx: Hand release Push Ups
20 Abmat Sit ups
50/35 Cal Row Cash Out

Rx+ A.A.B Cals


10 am WOD and Open Gym only Wednesday, July 4th!


Join us today for a Free Class! https://crossfitroute7.com/try-us-for-free/


Get ready for our Summer Sizzle Nutrition Blog Series. Over 5 weeks starting Monday, July 2nd, we’re going to take you through a broad nutrition education program that will help you make informed decisions, understand your food, learn how the food you eat affects your body and progress, and help you to look and feel great. If you have trouble with food choices, are looking to improve your sleep quality, have more energy throughout the day, improve your digestion, and be more in tune with your body, this is for you.

Blogs will be posted weekly to combat information overload. The goal is to provide a simple, effective source of nutrition material that sets you up for both short and long-term success. Nutrition is the foundation on which you build your future health and well-being!


Ring Muscle Ups
Squat Snatches 135/95

Scale: 1:1 Pull Ups+ring dips

Compare to 6/30/2017 and 8/5/2016

EMOM 12:
Min 1: 2 Deadlift (A:~80% of 1RM)+8 Burpees over the Bar
Min 2: 200m Run

10 am WOD and Open Gym only Wednesday, July 4th!


Get ready for our Summer Sizzle Nutrition Blog Series. Over 5 weeks starting Monday, July 2nd, we’re going to take you through a broad nutrition education program that will help you make informed decisions, understand your food, learn how the food you eat affects your body and progress, and help you to look and feel great. If you have trouble with food choices, are looking to improve your sleep quality, have more energy throughout the day, improve your digestion, and be more in tune with your body, this is for you.

Blogs will be posted weekly to combat information overload. The goal is to provide a simple, effective source of nutrition material that sets you up for both short and long-term success. Nutrition is the foundation on which you build your future health and well-being!


Olympic Weightlifting:
Build to a heavy triple Hang Power Clean and Jerk


“Man Test”

“Man Test”
Clean & jerk (BW/75%BW) FX: 80%BW/60%BW
Womens RX+: BW
*Compare to 1/7/2017 (note – we have bumped up the RX womens weight 5% and added FX weights)


Yoga with Kendra tonight at 7:45 pm. Free for CFR7 members and $10 drop in.

Check this out! Reasons why  CrossFit Athletes need Yoga: https://www.puori.com/blog/2015/12/01/yoga-for-crossfit#


Front Squat:
3 x 10 (Across around 75% of 1 RM)

3-4 Sets of:
20 Hollow Position Band Pull Downs
20 Single Arm Dumbbell Row (10L/10R)
20 Weighted Back Rack Step Ups (A)
*Perform a 20/17 Cal row between each set

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