Starting Monday, November 5 we will begin a new block of programming at BCF and CF Route 7. This programming block will be roughly 2 months long lasting until January 2019. This is a great opportunity to identify and attack your gymnastics weaknesses, so set some goals for yourself!
The goals for this block of programming will be to focus on developing gymnastics skills. In addition to the gymnastics program we will also continue to develop our peak strength in the classic barbell movements (squats, deadlifts, and presses). During this time, our approach to the conditioning portion of our program will be mostly unchanged from our previous blocks.
The reasons for the direction of this programming block are as follows:
You have all increased your general barbell strength and Olympic weightlifting skills in the past 6 weeks. We will continue to develop these attributes by lifting heavier weights at a lower volume (less reps/set).
As we come closer to the CrossFit Open in the beginning of next year we want to have our gymnastics skills dialed in so that we are able to implement them more regularly in metcons and safely perform these movements with more intensity.
Some overall themes you can expect to see in the gymnastics programming this block are:
Specific development for Muscle ups and Handstand Push ups
Testing of Muscle up and Handstand push up proficiency
Gymnastics movements in metcons on a regular basis (Pull ups, pistols, toes to bar, handstand walking)
Some overall themes you can expect to see in the strength programming for this block:
Lower repetitions for lifts (1-5 rep range)
More deadlifts and pressing movements
Less frequent Olympic weightlifting (Snatches and cleans will often alternate weeks or only be included in metcons)
Olympic weightlifting will mostly be included in low rep complexes
As we look ahead to our programming moving toward the 2019 CrossFit Open you can expect to see us transition into more strength maintenance work to preserve the strength we have built in the second half of this year. Early next year you can expect the programming to transition toward prepping specifically for the CrossFit Open. During that time, you can expect a higher volume of intense conditioning work and CrossFit-specific skills.
Strength and Gymnastics Schedule:
Monday: Ring Muscle Up Test/ Partner WOD
Tuesday: Deadlift
Wednesday: Snatch Complex
Thursday: Handstand Push up Test
Friday: Front Squat
Saturday: Push Press
Sunday: “Armistice” WOD

“Ring Muscle Up Test Day”
RX+: 30 Ring Muscle Ups for Time
RX: 10 min AMRAP and record how many were completed in 10 min
FX: (those that have 5 strict pull-ups and 5 ring dips): Ring Muscle up technique work and progressions
Strength development options: First test max strict pull-ups and ring dips (and record). Then accumulate 50 reps of pull-ups and 50 ring dips (go back and forth between movements) using most challenging scaling option
Teams of 2
150 Russian KBS (24/16) (Rx+ = 32/24)
150 Push Ups
150 Sit-ups (Rx+ = GHDs)
150 Goblet Squats
20 min Time Cap