WOD / Events

CrossFit Route 7 would like to honor all of our coaches and members that have served in the United States armed services. Thank you for all you do and have done.








Is Knee Pain or Lack of Mobility Keeping You from the Performance You Know You’re Capable of in CrossFit?

Are you having difficulty or pain with any of the following?

  • Performing squats or lunges?
  • Going up or down stairs?
  • Running?
  • Or even bending down to pick up something off the floor?

Maybe you’re not even having pain (yet) but have noticed that your mobility is not what it used to be? Your knees might be feeling stiff after commuting to work, sitting at your desk all day, or trying to sit through a 2-hour movie, and you definitely notice it with most of your CrossFit workouts.

If you’ve had these issues for a while and have tried different things to help yourself (massage, dry needling, Graston, foam rolling) and the knees are better for a while, but then the issues come back, then you are probably only treating the SYMPTOMS of your problem, and not the underlying cause. If you don’t get down to what’s really going on, then the cycle will just continue, and you definitely have more important things to be doing.

At the Optimizing Knee Performance workshop, you’ll learn:

  • The surprising 5 things that are probably contributing to your knee pain
  • The #1 muscle group you should focus on
  • Why foam rolling the IT Band is unfortunately not going help anything
  • How to know if your knee problem is something you can fix yourself or if you need someone to help you
  • What successful treatment and permanent relief looks like without the side effects of medications, injections, or surgery

This event will be a great opportunity to have all your questions answered by a specialist physical therapist and functional performance coach! You will also have a chance to have a mini-evaluation on your knee to assess your particular symptoms. If getting up in front of a group is not your thing, then you can still benefit from experiencing a live examination of another member of the audience to see what’s going on with particular symptoms they may be having in their knee and how that relates to you!

The Optimizing Knee Performance workshop is free, but you must RSVP with this link to reserve your seat. You do not need to be a member of this CrossFit to attend!

Click Here to Register

Looking forward to seeing you there!

Dr. Stacy Snow, PT, DPT

Tranquil Place Physical Therapy & Wellness


Overview of week:
Monday: Overhead Squats
Tuesday: Ring Muscle ups
Wednesday: Deadlifts
Thursday:Bench Press
Friday: EMOM Push Jerks
Saturday: Back Squats
Sunday: Chipper


Overhead Squats
5 x 3 (ME)

For time (18 min time-cap)
100 Toes-to-Bar, Fx: 75*

*Whenever you break, perform 15 push-ups, Fx: 10 push-ups
*Workout from Crossfit Mayhem

DB Skull Crushers
3 x 15

Thank you to all of our Veterans and Active Duty Military for your service and dedication to our Country. Your service is appreciated more than words can express. May we honor you and your comrades not just on Veterans’ Day but every day.

WOD for Warriors is a functional fitness tribute workout held once a year on Veterans Day at gyms all throughout the country. WOD for Warriors supports Team Red, White and Blue, whose mission is to enrich the lives of America’s veterans by connecting them to their communities through physical and social activity.

This WOD is designed to celebrate the service of all U.S. military veterans in a meaningful way by providing an opportunity for veterans and non-veterans to meet and sweat with members of their community through functional fitness on a national level with the goal of fundraising for Team RWB’s Veteran enriching programs. 100% of all proceeds go directly to supporting RWB’s mission. To make a donation follow this link!


At a skills-based warm-up pace (i.e. not for max reps, but quality reps):
EMOM 16:
Min 1 – :60 Pistols
Min 2 – :30 Double-Unders
Min 3 – :60 Pistols
Min 4 – :30 Hang From Pull-up Bar

11 minute AMRAP (As Many Repetitions As Possible)
11- Power Cleans (RX-135/95)
11- Burpees Over the Bar
19- Deadlifts (RX-135/95)
18- Pull-Ups
*Adaptive or modified exercises can be used. All exercises are scalable to your ability level.

Modified Workout (Without Barbell)*
11 minute AMRAP (As Many Repetitions As Possible)
11- Push Ups
11- Burpees
19- Sit-ups
18- Air Squats

Compare 11/11/2016

Veterans Day has been observed since 1954 by the U.S. and its origins date back to Armistice Day 1918, which marked the cessation of hostilities on the Western Front in WWI. Veterans Day preserves the historical significance of the 11/11/1918, but also focuses attention on the important purpose of Veterans Day: A celebration to honor America’s veterans for their patriotism, love of country, and willingness to serve and sacrifice for the common good. WOD for Warriors is held yearly on the 11th month, 11th day and 11th hour to celebrate the service of all U.S. military Veterans in a meaningful way within their own communities.

The significance of the repetitions in this workout can be seen in the layout where the 11 min AMRAP, 11 power cleans and 11 burpees over the bar represent the 11th month, 11th day and 11th hour while the 19 deadlifts and 18 pull ups represent the year 1918, Armistice Day.

Place your 2018 CrossFit Route 7 Hoodie Order by Sunday, November 18.



We are excited to announce we will be starting TODAY, Saturday, November 10th at 10am a monthly WOD for kids ages 8-12. Coach Addison will be spreading the love of fitness and fun in engaging ways with our community kids.  Classes are $15 (cash, paypal, venmo or billable to memberships of parent or guardian) for 1 hour taking place on select Saturdays of the month. For more info email Coach Addie at [email protected], Subject: CFR7 CFKids


CrossFit Route 7 and Ballston CrossFit Fam: “Time to Climb” is happening TOMORROW, Sunday, November 11th at 2pm at EarthTreks in Crystal City! We will be Bouldering (which means no ropes required/ also a great introduction to climbing) and some will be Top Roping(need to be belay certified). All are welcome so bring your friends and family! Please RSVP to this event and sign the waiver ahead of time. Click here to sign the waiver. We look forward to seeing you there!


Push Press
3 Sets of:
AMRAP @75%
2 Sets of:
AMRAP @80%
1 Set of:
AMRAP @85%
Rest 1 min. between attempts
Rest 2 min. between each % increase

For time:
Power Snatch (95/65) (Fx: 75/55)
Box Jumps (24/20″)

Place your 2018 CrossFit Route 7 Hoodie Order by Sunday, November 18.



CrossFit Route 7 and Ballston CrossFit Fam: “Time to Climb” is happening this Sunday, November 11th at 2pm at EarthTreks in Crystal City! We will be Bouldering (which means no ropes required/ also a great introduction to climbing) and some will be Top Roping(need to be belay certified). All are welcome so bring your friends and family! Please RSVP to this event and sign the waiver ahead of time. Click here to sign the waiver. We look forward to seeing you there!


We are excited to announce we will be starting tomorrow, Saturday, November 10th at 10am monthly WOD for kids ages 8-12. Coach Addison will be spreading the love of fitness and fun in engaging ways with our community kids.  Classes are $15 (cash, paypal, venmo or billable to memberships of parent or guardian) for 1 hour taking place on select Saturdays of the month. For more info email Coach Addie at [email protected], Subject: CFR7 CFkids

Front Squat
5×3 (ME)

For time:
Front Squats (185/125) (Fx: 155/105, RX+: 205/135)
Bar Muscle-ups (Fx: C2B Pull-ups)

2-3 Sets of:
Double Front Rack KB Lunges x 20 steps, alternating
Plank x :60

Yoga with Kendra tonight at 7:45 pm. Free for CFR7 members and $10 drop in.

Courtesy By 

Check out this article ‘I Transformed My Body—And Life—With CrossFit And Yoga’ featured in Women’s Health Magazine.


We are excited to announce this Saturday, November 10th at 10am monthly WOD for kids ages 8-12. Coach Addison will be spreading the love of fitness and fun in engaging ways with our community kids.  Classes are $15 (cash, paypal, venmo or billable to memberships of parent or guardian) for 1 hour taking place on select Saturdays of the month. For more info email Coach Addie at [email protected], Subject: CFR7 CFkids


HSPU Test Day
Rx+ = 10 min AMRAP deficit of 4”/2”
Rx = 10 min AMRAP HSPU.
Kipping HSPU technique for those that don’t have it.

EMOM 20 (4 sets):
Min 1 – 10 Alternating DB Snatch 50/35, Fx: 35/20, Rx+: 70/50
Min 2 – 2 Rope Climbs, Fx: 1, Rx+: 3
Min 3 – 12/9 Calorie Ski, Fx: 10/8 Cal, Rx+: 15/12
Min 4 – 12 Burpees Fx: 10 Burpees, Rx+: 15 Burpees
Min 5 – 12/9 Cal Bike, Fx: 10/8, Rx+: 15/12


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