WOD / Events

Thanksgiving Schedule:
Friday, Nov 23: Open gym 8:00 am-10:00 am, -9:00 WOD 50 Cap
Free Double Under Clinic: December 1, 2018 @11:30AM

Double Unders are just a hop, skip and a jump away.  Probably one of the more frustrating skills and benchmarks an athlete hopes to gain proficiency in. Join us as we break down skills, drills, progressions and get some PRs.

This clinic is Free for all members. ($10 non member drop in)


5 Rounds:
Rx+: 10 Strict HSPU (Add deficit if necessary)
Rx: 10 Kipping HSPU (3 sec. negative)
Fx: 5 Kipping HSPU (3 sec. negative)
Rest 1:30 after each set

5 Rounds
14 Toes to Bar
10 Push Press (Rx: 135/95) (Fx: 95/65)

LAST CHANCE EXTENSION: Place your 2018 CrossFit Route 7 Hoodie Order by TONIGHT . $50 via Cash, paypal:[email protected]  or venmo: [email protected]. Please send with No Fees.



Thanksgiving Schedule:
Thursday, Nov 22: Open gym 8:00 am-10:00 am, -9:00 WOD 50 Cap
Friday, Nov 23: Open gym 8:00 am-10:00 am, -9:00 WOD 50 Cap


Olympic Weightlifting Complex
E3MOM 18 Mins.
Snatch + Hang Snatch + 3 OHS (ME)


With a Partner
10 dumbbell snatches (50/35) (Fx: 35/20)
10 burpee box jump-overs (24/20)
10 Cal Row
15 dumbbell snatches
15 burpee box jump-overs
15 Cal Row
20 dumbbell snatches
20 burpee box jump-overs
20 Cal Row
25 dumbbell snatches
25 burpee box jump-overs
25 Cal Row
… Continue adding 5 reps to each movement until 20 minutes has ended. You and your partner may break up the reps however you want.

EXTENSION: Place your 2018 CrossFit Route 7 Hoodie Order by Thursday, November 22nd . $50 via Cash, paypal:[email protected]  or venmo: [email protected]. Please send with No Fees.



Thanksgiving Schedule:
Wednesday, Nov 21: 7:30 pm WOD Cancelled.
Thursday, Nov 22: Open gym 8:00 am-10:00 am, -9:00 WOD 50 Cap
Friday, Nov 23: Open gym 8:00 am-10:00 am, -9:00 WOD 50 Cap



5 Rounds:
Rx+: 10 Weighted strict pull-ups
Rx: 10 strict Pull ups
Fx: 5 Strict Pull ups
Rest 1:30 after each set

2 Rounds of ‘Cindy’ (Rx+: C2B)
20 KBS (24/16) (Rx+: 32/24)

EXTENSION: Place your 2018 CrossFit Route 7 Hoodie Order by Thursday, November 22nd . $50 via Cash, paypal:[email protected]  or venmo: [email protected].



Thanksgiving Schedule:
Wednesday, Nov 21: 7:30 pm WOD Cancelled.
Thursday, Nov 22: Open gym 8:00 am-10:00 am, -9:00 WOD 50 Cap
Friday, Nov 23: Open gym 8:00 am-10:00 am, -9:00 WOD 50 Cap



Front Squat:
5×2 (ME)

For time:
Hang Power Clean
Front Squats
(Rx: 205/135) (Fx: 155/105) (Rx+: 225/155)
400m Run after each round

Thanksgiving Schedule:
Wednesday, Nov 21: 7:30 pm WOD Cancelled.
Thursday, Nov 22: Open gym 8:00 am-10:00 am, -9:00 WOD 50 Cap
Friday, Nov 23: Open gym 8:00 am-10:00 am, -9:00 WOD 50 Cap



Overview of Week:
Monday: Strict Press
Tuesday: Front Squats
Wednesday: Strict Pull-ups
Thursday: Snatch Complex
Friday:Handstand Push-ups
Saturday: Back Squats
Sunday: 30 Minute Amrap


Strict Press
5×2 (ME)
Finish with one set of:
AMRAP@85% of 2RM

For time:
50 Double-Unders (Fx: 25 Double Unders)
12 Ring Muscle-ups (Fx: C2B Pull Ups)
75 Double-Unders (Fx: 50 Double Unders)
8 Ring Muscle-ups, (Fx: C2B Pull Ups)
100 Double-Unders (Fx: 75 Double Unders)
6 Ring Muscle-ups , (Fx: C2B Pull Ups)

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