WOD / Events

Sign up now to start your 6 week challenge starting Monday, October 22nd and begin your journey to a happier and healthier you!


Rope Climb Technique:

RX+: 12/9 Legless climbs for time
RX:12 Cimbs for time
Fx: 9 Climbs for time

*wear tall socks

Ski Erg
Hand Release Push Ups
Atomic sit up 45/25, Fx: 25/15, Plate to feet
Box Jumps 30/24, Fx: 24/20

Rest 1:00 between tabatas

Let’s start your day or finish it together. Free Classes are available Monday mornings and nights, register here Try US for Free

Start your 6 week challenge after your class and begin your journey to a happier and healthier you!


A big thanks to the 3 communities coming together for a night of fitness for the 7th annual BCF vs. CFR7 vs. CFSA throwdown. Congratulations to the athletes and thanks to the volunteer judges and crew for helping make this event a huge success.


Strength and Skill Schedule:
Monday: Snatch EMOM
Tuesday: Rope Climb technique
Wednesday: Clean and Jerk EMOM
Thursday: Handstand Walk and Partner WOD
Friday: Back Squat
Saturday: Deadlift
Sunday: Push Pull Supersets


E2MOM 20 min.
Snatch (ME)

Pistols (Fx; Reverse Lunges)
*50 Double Unders (30 DU’s for FX) to start the workout, between rounds and to finish the workout

4 Super Sets:
8 Tempo Bench Press (3010)
8 Pendlay Row (Heavy)

EMOM 14:
ODD: Push Jerk 115/80, Fx: 95/65
Even: Chest to Bar Pull ups, Fx: Pull ups

*Athletes choose between 7-12 reps

Come out today at 4:30pm for the 7th annual BCF vs. CFR7 vs. CFSA Throwdown at CFR7! Come cheer on your top athletes in a fun, friendly competition!

We will have the following from each box:
3 women individual competitors
3 men individual competitors
2 teams (2 men, 2 women on each)

Let us know if you’re coming via our Facebook event! We would love to have a HUGE community turnout to support our top athletes in this fun and friendly competition!

We still need judges for the BCF/CFR7/CFSA Throwdown next weekend!! If you can help out, please follow the link below and add your name to the list.

Competition Roster


Olympic Weightlifting:
E3MOM 21 min.
2 Cleans (ME)

Not touch and go

10 Front Rack Lunges 115/80, Fx: 95/65
10 Box Jumps 30/24, Fx: 24/20

FREE 7-fit CLASS tonight at 5:30pm. Come see how our gym get results!  Limited spaces, sign up now: https://crossfitroute7.com/try-us-for-free/


Saturday, October 13 at 4:30pm hosted at CFR7. Get excited BCF, CFR7 and CFSA members! We’re stoked to announce the 7th annual BCF vs. CFR7 vs. CFSA Throwdown! Come cheer on your top athletes in a fun, friendly competition!

We will have the following from each box:
3 women individual competitors
3 men individual competitors
2 teams (2 men, 2 women on each)

Let us know if you’re coming via our Facebook event! We would love to have a HUGE community turnout to support our top athletes in this fun and friendly competition!

We still need judges for the BCF/CFR7/CFSA Throwdown next weekend!! If you can help out, please follow the link below and add your name to the list.

Competition Roster


Team Day:

Max Bar-facing burpees
Rest 3:00

Max Assault Bike Calories
Rest 3:00

20 Push Ups
30 Abmat Sit ups
Rest 3:00

Max Ski erg Calories

1 working, 1 resting. break up reps as desired

1 455 456 457 458 459 732

Upcoming Events