WOD / Events

Try out our new Core-Flex class at 5:45 PM tonight to improve your stability and mobility!

In 15:00
Establish 5RM Bench Press

For Time:
21 Burpee Box Jump Overs (30/24) (FX: 24/20)
15 Bar Muscle-Ups (FX: Chest to Bar Pull-Ups) (RX+: Ring Muscle-Ups)
900m Run (FX: 600m)
*14:00 Cap

In 15:00:
Establish 3RM Back Squat

5 Rounds for Time:
48 Double Unders (FX: 36)
12 Single Kettlebell Front Rack Reverse Lunges (24/16) (FX: 16/12) (RX+: 32/24)
*10:00 Cap

Weekly OverviewEvents/Classes
MondayPower Snatch
Tuesday3RM Back Squat
Wednesday5RM Bench PressCore Flex at 5:45 PM
ThursdayClean Complex
FridayMachine/Dumbbell Intervals
SaturdayGYM CLOSEDGirls Gone Rx Competition
SundayFunctional Bodybuilding

Every 2:00, 6 Sets
3-Position Power Snatch (↑, start at 60-65% 1RM Snatch)
*Hold onto bar between reps
*High Hang, Hang, Floor

3 Rounds of :45 on/:15 off
1) 18/14 Calorie Bike (FX: 16/12) (RX+: 21/16)
2) 18 Weighted Sit-Ups (15/10) (FX: Sit-Ups)
3) AMRAP Power Snatches (135/95) (FX: 95/65) (RX+: 165/115)
4) Rest
*Score is total AMRAP Power Snatch

OPTIONAL Murph Prep (15-20min)
For Time:
400m Run
21 Pull-Ups (FX: 15) (RX+: Unbroken)
400m Run
15 Pull-Ups (FX: 12) (RX+: Unbroken)
400m Run
9 Pull-Ups (FX: 9) (RX+: Unbroken)
*16:00 Cap

Keep in mind:
Wednesday: Bench Press, Bar/Ring Muscle-Ups or Chest to Bar Pull-Ups

Happy Mother’s Day to all of our Mothers!

There are so many different types of mothers in the world — Today we celebrate ALL of you and the sacrifices you make for others! Thank you for being a perfect example of what STRONG means!

Every 1:30, 3 Rounds
1) 12 Dumbbell Bench Press
2) 20 Overhead Banded Tricep Extensions
3) 12 Wide Grip Strict Pull-Ups (FX: Banded)
4) 20 Alternating Dumbbell Hammer Curls
5) 20 Underhand Banded Pullaparts

For Time:
500/400m Ski (FX: 400/300)
500/400m Row (FX: 400/300m)
*5:00 Cap

Squad WOD
200m Team Run/16 Burpees Over the Bar
16 Burpees Over the Bar/200m Run
16 Curtis Ps (115/80) (FX: 95/65) (RX+: 155/105)
*20 Double Under Cash-Out for each partner switch during the Curtis Ps

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