WOD / Events

In addition to Toes to Bar and Double Unders, tonight’s 5:45pm Skills Clinic will cover CROSSOVERS!

Every 2:00, 8 Sets
1-4) 1 High Hang Power Snatch + 1 Hang Power Snatch + 1 Overhead Squat (↑, start at 60-65% 1RM Snatch)
5-8) 1 High Hang Squat Snatch + 1 Hang Squat Snatch (↑)
*Hold onto bar between reps

1) 16/12 Calorie Ski (FX: 12/9) (RX+: 18/14)
2) 16/12 Calorie Bike (FX: 12/9) (RX+: 18/14)
3) AMRAP Hang Squat Snatch (75/55) (FX: 55/35) (RX+: 95/65)
4) Rest

Happy Independence Day! Holiday class schedule – classes at 9 AM and 10 AM only!

4th of July WOD
7 Rounds for Time w/ Partner (Split reps any way)
4 Rope Climbs (FX: 2)
100m Team Run
7 Power Clean (185/125) (FX: 155/105) (RX+: 205/145)
7 Synchro Bar Facing Burpees
6 Bar Muscle-Ups (FX: Chest to Bar Pull-Up) (RX+: Ring Muscle-Ups)
*35:00 Cap
*Compare to 7/4/22

Weekly OverviewEvents/Classes
MondayHandstand Skill Development
Tuesday4th of July WODHoliday Schedule: Only 9 AM and 10 AM classes
WednesdaySnatchToes-to-Bar & Double Under/Crossover Skills Clinic at 5:45 PM
ThursdaySuns & Buns, Bis & Tris
FridayFront Squat
SaturdaySquad WODSeventh Heaven Comp WOD at 7:15 AM
SundayLong Conditioning Intervals

Every 1:30, 4 Rounds
1) 1:00 Handstand Walk Practice (FX: Handstand Development)
2) 15 Behind the Back Wrist Curls
3) 5+5+5 Prone IYTs

Handstand Development
1) Freestanding Handstand Practice with Wall
2) Handstand Holds with Wall
3) Wall Facing Handstand Holds or Pike Handstand Holds with Box

20/15 Calorie Row (FX: 16/12)
10 Handstand Push-Ups (FX: 6 Handstand Push-Ups) (RX+: Strict OR 2″”/1″” Deficit)
20/15 Calorie Row (FX: 16/12)
5 Wall Walks (FX: 3)

Summer Morning Schedule starting Monday, July 3rd!
Monday – Friday:
5:30 AM
6:30 AM
9:30 AM
Come work-out at 9:30 AM every day of the week (7:30 AM will be back in September)!
Evening classes will remain the same.

Every 2:00, 3 Rounds
1) 10 Bent Over Row + 20 Underhand Banded Pullaparts
2) 50’/50′ Single Arm Bottoms Up Kettlebell Carry
3) 15/15 Banded Clamshells

100m Run
10 Burpees Over Kettlebell
15 Russian Kettlebell Swings (24/16) (FX: 16/12) (RX+: 32/24)

Summer Morning Schedule starting Monday, July 3rd!
Monday – Friday:
5:30 AM
6:30 AM
9:30 AM
Come work-out at 9:30 AM every day of the week (7:30 AM will be back in September)!
Evening classes will remain the same.

Squad WOD
40/30 Calorie Bike (FX: 30/22)
20 Synchro Barbell/Dumbbell Snatch

Rest 4:00

40/30 Calorie Ski (FX: 30/22)
20 Synchro Barbell/Dumbbell Thrusters
*Barbell: (95/65) (FX: 75/55) (RX+: 135/95)
*Dumbbell: (50/35) (FX: 35/20) (RX+: 70/50)

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