***No Yoga this Sunday***** ===================================== Bench Press 5@75%, 3@85 and 1+ @95% 5 Rounds for time: :40 work, :20 Rest Station 1: KB SDHP 32/24, Fx:24/16 Station 2: Row Cals Station 3: Pull Ups Score: Total repsRead More
Come out and support our teams at SuperFit Lorton Saturday, June 25. ====================================== Our first Olympic Weightlifting Mini Camp Session begins tomorrow! SIGN UP NOW! Black & Red Barbell Club’s coach and competitive athlete John Bova will be hosting two weightlifting “mini camps” at Ballston CrossFit intended to increase speed and efficiency in the snatch...Read More
I hope you are all recovered from Karen! Back Squat 5@75%, 3@85 and 1+ @95% 28-21-14-7 Deadlift 155/105 FX: 135/95 *20 Meter Handstand Walk FX: 25 shoulder wall facing shoulder TapsRead More
Press 5@75%, 3@85 and 1+ @95% For Time: 10 Muscle Ups FX: 15 C2B pull ups 50 DUs 20 Push Press 135/95 FX:115/80 50 DUs 30 Toes to Bar, FX: Knee raises 50 DUs 40 HR Over the Bar Burpees 50 DUs 50 Cal Row *courtesy of Kevin Pei Read More
Free CrossFit class tonight at 6:30 pm. No CrossFit Experience needed. Bring a friend and sign up HERE: ================== Snatch 6 x 2 working sets start at 70% *must have no misses to increase weight “Karen” 150 WBS 20/14 13:00 Minute Cap compare:12/4/2014Read More
Deadlift;: 3 x 70%, 80% and 3+ x 90% AMRAP 9: 6 Hang Power Clean and Push Jerks 115/80 Fx: 95/65 12 Pistols FX:Candlesticks *do lunges if you cannont do candlesticksRead More
Yoga with Claire at 5:45 pm. Free for CFR7 members and $10 drop in. Great read. CrossFit and Yoga need one another: http://zusayoga.com/yogaandcrossfit/ ============================= Pull Up Development: RX: 3-5 sets of 2 Strict + 3 Strict C2B + 4 kipping + 5 Kipping C2B FX: 2 Strict +3 kipping + 4 Kipping C2B *Rest as needed, Butterfly is...Read More
“Encourage those around you by never giving up on your dreams.” ~Unknown~ ==================================== Bench Press 3 x 70%, 80% and 3+ x 90% 3 Rounds for Time: 15 T2B Fx; 10T2B 20/18 Ca Row Fx: 15/12 THIS IS 100% EFFORT Rest 1:30 *Score is total timeRead More
25 minutes to find a heavy Clean and Jerk 20-15-10-5 Push Press 95/65 Fx:75/55 Burpees over Bar *5 burpee penalty for putting barbell down *RX+ 115/80 Read More
I hope you reserved your spot with Dr. Jordan Speares is certified as an Active Release Technique (A.R.T.) provider! A.R.T. is a patented technique that is used to break up the scar tissue that restricts blood flow and impedes movement. Register online HERE or standby if seat is empty. ================================== Ring Muscle up technique or 30...Read More
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