Strength: Every 3:00 for 12:00 (4 sets): 4 x 5 Touch and Go Power Clean and Jerk *Increase Load each set Conditioning: For time: 1000m Row 15 Power Cleans 155/105, Fx: 115/80 150 Double-Unders, Fx: 100 Double Unders 30 Power Cleans 115/80, Fx: 95/65 150 Double-Unders, Fx: 100 Double Unders RX+185/125, 135/95 Post-WOD Finisher: GHD...Read More
It’s crazy to think that my CrossFit journey started exactly a year ago from today. If you would’ve asked me back then if I could see myself doing pull ups or squatting 285 lbs, I would’ve laughed at the question. Fast forward a year later and not only am I capable of pull ups...Read More
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