WOD / Events


Press, find a heavy triple

Tabata intervals of:
Ring rows
Handstand pushups
Toes to bar
Games Std. Box Jumps (32/24)


3 rounds for time:
Run 400m
21 kettlebell swings, 24/16
12 pull-ups


Fitness & performance:
EMOTM 10: 3 back squats*
*Choose weight

Permanent space UPDATE: We met with our General Contractor on Friday and they’re [slowly] making progress on the build-out of our permanent facility in the back bay. The County has required pretty substantial changes to the plans due to the usage change of the space. These changes have taken considerably longer than expected as the mechanical and structural engineers resolve the issues. We are expecting to commence construction in May!
It’s been a lot of work (and money) but the final product is going to be pretty incredible! For those of you who don’t know the details, we will have mens and women’s locker rooms with 2 showers and toilets in each, a huge 12 squat station pull-up rig, 20′ wide clear glass garage bay door – it’s going to be great! There are architectural plans on the desk if you haven’t seen them.
Thanks for your continued patience as we work through the process to open our new box!
UPDATE #2: the poll results are in and we will be cancelling the 7:30pm WOD going forward (keeping WOD’s at 5:30&6:30p). We hope to add it again in the future as our membership base increases, so bring your friends. Email us or talk to a coach if this impacts your membership at CFR7.


Technique: kipping HSPU technique


5 Curtis Ps, 115/80
10 burpees
15 air squat


3 rounds:
1 minute glute bridge
1 minute plank hold




1Timothy 4:8 for while bodily training is of some value, godliness is of value in every way, as it holds promise for the present life and also for the life to come

Black and Red Barbell meets at 9am. Open gym from 9-11am.


Yoga with Nina at Ballston Crossfit at 10am. Members of both boxes get free classes and for non-members its $10.

BCF is located at 1110 N Glebe Arlington VA 22201. It is just 4 blocks from the Ballston Metro and also just 2 blocks from the Route 66 exits to Ballston (either Glebe Rd. westbound or Fairfax Dr. eastbound). If you drive, there is plenty of street parking within 2-3 blocks of BCF. There is parking on N. Vernon St. and Vermont Street on the other side of Glebe Rd. as well as parking available on N. Vernon St and 13th Street (these spaces are not zoned and open parking). There is a huge pay parking garage under the space and you can also pay $1 to park at the Ballston Mall (4-5 blocks away).

Strength: Snatch balance, 10×1 (A)
3 rounds:
10 power snatches 95/65
15 pull-ups
200m sprint
Rest exactly 1 min
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