WOD / Events

Family: Make sure you give Steve Kwiatkowski a hive five for all his success and being our Athlete Spotlight recipient. We are always watching your growth and we want to celebrate you all as a community. Learn more about Steve here.

CFR7 will close Friday, July 3rd at 1:30 pm . Regular am classes (0530, 0630, 0730,1200) will be available and we will run Open Gym through the morning from 0830-1200.  Saturday, July 4 we will have our regular 10:00 am WOD and open gym.  If you’re in need of more WOD options, ALL members please feel free to workout at Ballston Crossfit.


In teams of three:
A. AMRAP 7 of thrusters:
50 reps at 95/65
50 reps at 115/80
AMRAP at 135/95
Rest 3 minutes

B. AMRAP 7 of hang power cleans:
50 reps at 135/95
50 reps at 155/105
AMRAP at 175/115
Rest 3 minutes

C. AMRAP 7 of deadlift:
50 reps at 185/125
50 reps at 225/155
AMRAP at 275/185

Family: Make sure you give Steve Kwiatkowski a hive five for all his success and being our Athlete Spotlight recipient. We are always watching your growth and we want to celebrate you all as a community. Learn more about Steve here.

CFR7 will close Friday, July 3rd at 1:30 pm . Regular am classes (0530, 0630, 0730,1200) will be available and we will run Open Gym through the morning from 0830-1200.  Saturday, July 4 we will have our regular 10:00 am WOD and open gym.  If you’re in need of more WOD options, ALL members please feel free to workout at Ballston Crossfit.


Front squat, find heavy quintuplet

4rds for time:
25 Overhead kettlebell lunges, 24/16
Run 400m


John 14:27 Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.

CFR7 will close Friday, July 3rd at 1:30 pm . Regular am classes (0530, 0630, 0730,1200) will be available and we will run Open Gym through the morning from 0830-1200.  Saturday, July 4 we will have our regular 10:00 am WOD and open gym.  If you’re in need of more WOD options, ALL members please feel free to workout at Ballston Crossfit.


Deadlift, find a 5RM

For time:
80 double unders
200m suitcase carry, 24/16
60 double unders
200m suitcase carry, 24/16
40 double unders
200m suitcase carry, 24/16
20 double unders

CFR7 will close Friday, July 3rd at 1:30 pm . Regular am classes (0530, 0630, 0730,1200) will be available and we will run Open Gym through the morning from 0830-1200.  Saturday, July 4 we will have our regular 10:00 am WOD and open gym.  If you’re in need of more WOD options, ALL members please feel free to workout at Ballston Crossfit.


Warm-up: 5 min double unders

First 6 minutes: 3 presses (A)
Last 6 minutes: 2 presses (A)

Skill + Conditioning:
Odd minutes: 3 muscle ups*
Even minutes: max rep burpees

**Substitute 6-9 pull-ups and ring dips

Black and Red Barbell meets at 1100-1300. Open gym from 1100-1300


Yoga with Nina at Ballston Crossfit at 10am. Members of both boxes get free yoga ($10 for friends).

Good yoga article here.

BCF is located at 1110 N Glebe Arlington VA 22201. It is just 4 blocks from the Ballston Metro and also just 2 blocks from the Route 66 exits to Ballston (either Glebe Rd. westbound or Fairfax Dr. eastbound). If you drive, there is plenty of street parking within 2-3 blocks of BCF. There is parking on N. Vernon St. and Vermont Street on the other side of Glebe Rd. as well as parking available on N. Vernon St and 13th Street (these spaces are not zoned and open parking).

1 706 707 708 709 710 743

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