WOD / Events

Party Today!!!! Click here for info!


10 Rounds of:
:30 seconds on Max Effort Row then 5 Hand Release Push-Ups
:45 rest, rest starts when row ends

10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 and back up
Back Squat (Rx135/95)
**5 Toes 2 Bar after each round

**20 minute cut off

Getting ready for the weekend!!! Summer is coming to a close and what better way to take advantage of the weather than having a day of food, games and family from 1200-4:00 pm this Saturday, 10/3. Make sure you go to the “Seven Up” facebook page/event if you’re attending and bringing goodies.  Hey, did you know the events are on the right side of this page. IT’S TRUE, CLICK ON IT! >>>>


4 rounds of:
10 Strict HSPU Rx+, 10 kipping HSPU (Rx) 4 Wall Walks(Fx)
10 oh alternating reverse lunges (5 each side rt arm/lf arm)
10 Alternating single arm Russian KB swings (5 each arm)
10 oh alternating reverse lunges lunges(5 each arm)
10 goblet squats
(Rx/Fx:Kipping, 53/35)
Cash Out: 30 Strict Pull-Ups(Rx) / 60 Ring Rows(Fx)

Rope climbing technique or 12 rope climbs for time (bring your TALL SOCKS)
or buy a pair for $10!

Getting ready for the weekend!!! Summer is coming to a close and what better way to take advantage of the weather than having a day of food, games and family from 1200-4:00 pm this Saturday, 10/3. Make sure you go to the “Seven Up” facebook page/event if you’re attending and bringing goodies. The weather this week may have us call an audible. Worst case scenario, change the location to the box. Not a bad thing, we will roll grill less and still have a great time. Just a heads up. Wait for Friday night for changes.


“Fight Gone Bad”
Three rounds, 1 minute rounds:
Wallball shots, 20/14
Sumo deadlift high-pull, 75/55
Box Jump, 20 inches
Push-press, 75/55 – go from the ground
Row for calories
**Compare to 4/6/2015


Mark 12:28-31

The Greatest Commandment

28 One of the teachers of the law came and heard them debating. Noticing that Jesus had given them a good answer, he asked him, “Of all the commandments, which is the most important?”

29 “The most important one,” answered Jesus, “is this: ‘Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one.[e] 30 Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’[f] 31 The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’[g] There is no commandment greater than these.”

Getting ready for the weekend!!! Summer is coming to a close and what better way to take advantage of the weather than having a day of food, games and family from 1200-4:00 pm this Saturday, 10/3. Make sure you go to the “Seven Up” facebook page/event if you’re attending and bringing goodies.


Technique: power cleans

15 minutes to work up to max Power Clean.

3 minutes rest

max reps Power Cleans in 7 minutes at 65% of established max


Finisher: 10 Rounds of
20 second Hollow Hold + 40 Push-up Plank Hold
rest 30 seconds

***Free class tonight at 6:30 pm. Bring your friends (no CF experience required)!***


Front Squats 5 x 5 @ 65% w/ pause above parallel
*athletes will squat to full deph and on way up pause just above parallel for 2 second count hold and EXPLODE up. 

4 Rounds of:
8 Burpees
10 Front Rack alternating step-ups 20″,115/80, fx 95/65 scale to Rack Behind neck
12 Pull-ups, Fx: Ring Rows *No Bands!!!!
200 meter run
*everyone uses 20″ boxes

20 min cap


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